25. Smarticle Particles

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I walked past the juice bar with Bailey when we tripped over something. Upon looking, I saw that it was Zack on his knees.

"Zack! What are you doing?" Bailey asked him.

"Why are you on the floor?" I wondered.

"Shh! Come here," Zack whispered to us and hurried over to the juice bar counter, "I'm playing a prank on Woody. You see, yesterday he salted my pudding cup. You don't salt a man's pudding cup!"

"Men don't eat pudding cups," Bailey stated.

"Unless they're eating yogurt or Jello," I jumped in.

"So, when Woody sees the plate of free goodies," Zack pointed to a plate full of cookies, marshmallows, cupcakes, and donuts, "He'll pick it up, which will pull the fishing line, which is attached to a bucket of freezing ocean water on the upper deck, which will plummet to the earth getting said Woody soaking wet. Which will make me laugh until I wet myself."

"And yet you never have time to do your homework," Bailey remarked.

"Whatcha doing?" Woody asked as he crawled over to us.

"Zack's playing a prank on you," I replied.

Zack, Bailey, and I turned to Woody, realizing he was meant to be the victim. And he didn't even see the plate of sweets, which would draw him in like at the buffet! There was the sound of a lever being released, and next, a bucket clanged.

All of us turned to our shock that the victim was Becky Muldoon, the tough girl in school.

"Is this somebody's idea of a joke?" she exclaimed angrily at being drenched from top to bottom.

The four of us rose back on our feet and stared in shock. I felt bad for Becky. I know I'd be angry if someone splashed me with Arctic-cold water.

"What is going on here?" Uncle Marion asked on hearing the commotion.

"Zack just drenched Becky Muldoon," Woody answered.

"Uh oh! She's captain of the wrestling team," Bailey shuddered.

"The boy's wrestling team!" I added.

Becky turned to our group, "Who did this?"

"He did," Uncle Marion pointed at Zack.

"This guy," Woody, too, pointed at him.

"Right here," Bailey mimicked the guys, pointing her finger at Zack.

"Apologize to her, dude," I muttered, nudging him forward.

"I can explain," Zack walked a few steps toward her.

Becky suddenly grabbed him, "You can explain after I beat you into tiny Zack pieces." She lifted him off the ground.

Uncle Marion approached her nervously, speaking in gibberish, trying to form a sentence: "Miss Muldoon, will you please put him down?" He was afraid of angering Becky more, knowing how strong she was.

Becky dropped Zack, who fell to the ground.

"Uh, thank you," Uncle Marion nodded nervously at her and walked away, not wanting to deal with her anymore.

"Yeah, thanks," Zack got himself back on his feet.

"Moseby may have saved you for now, but meet me here at 3:00," Becky glared at him, "And bring bandages." She turned and left.

"You know, I'm sure that tough-girl thing, that's just an act," Bailey guessed, trying to lighten things up.

Our group saw Becky pick up a platter and bend it to show Zack what she would do to him later when he met her. 

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