Chapter 2 [Un-Edited]

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A/N ~ Chapter two guys. What you think? Is it good or bad? I'm trying, thats all that matters.... right? Anyway on to the story. ~

Recap: I noticed that the moon was full tonight and looked beautiful, but I didn't notice the person following, silently behind me.

Isabelle's POV:

I continued on my way home when I thought I heard another set of footsteps. I stopped and looked behind me, but saw nothing.

'It's just your imagination, calm down' I told myself. 'It's been a long day, just get home so you can sleep.'

I kept walking, but then I heard the footsteps again. I subtly quickened my pace, knowing my apartment is just around the corner. I strained my ears and listened for the steps.

'Almost there, almost there' I chanted.

As I rounded the corner, I bumped into something hard. Whoever it was clamped a large hand over my mouth. I tried to scream, but it came out muffled. Tears started streaming down my face as I struggled to get away.

A deep voice said, "I'm sorry Luna but we need you." I was momentarily confused. 'Who was Luna?'

"Now when I move my hand don't scream, alright," said the deep voice. I nodded. 'Does he really think I'm not going to scream, what an idiot,' I mentally scoffed.

When he moved his hand, I took a deep breath and screamed at the top of my lungs. His hazel eyes widened and he put his hand back over my mouth. His eyes fogged over for a few seconds, but his grip didn't loosen.

After a few seconds of him standing there and me still struggling, I overheard a pair of voices. I saw two identical men come out the shadows and one of them handed the guy holding me something. He placed the cloth over my nose after moving his hand a bit. I tried not to breathe it in but it was inevitable.

"I'm so sorry Luna," he said to me. That was the last thing I heard before it all went black.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

I woke up disoriented. I felt myself laying on something comfy, but I heard nothing. I risked opening my eyes to scan my surroundings.

I looked around and saw that I was in a huge room that had a black and white theme. It looked very nice, if I said so myself.

'This is a very nice room and all, but I have to get out of here,' I thought.

The door suddenly bust open, which caused me to let out a scream. The man from the club earlier was standing in front of me.

He didn't say anything, he just stared at me. "Umm, are you gonna stare at me all day or are you gonna help me find the way out of here," I said sassily. (A/N - Is sassily even a word, idk)

"Kitten, you aren't going anywhere, you're MINE," he growled. "Let me stop you right there, first of all, I don't belong to anyone. Second of all, my name is Ari, not kitten. And lastly, I have the right to go anywhere I please. And I wish to go home," I told him.

"You are home, Kitten," he said calmly. "Now what's your name?" 'Is this guy for real? Did he not hear what I just said?'

"I already told you my name, now can I go home," I asked heatedly.

"And I told you kitten, you are home, now I'm not going to ask again: What is your real name?"

'I have a feeling this will take a while.'

"I told you already, now can I leave," I repeated. His nostrils flared in agitation, which sent warning bells to go off. I just stared in slight fear, because who knows what this guy is capable of, even though a little voice said he would never put his hands on me.

He abruptly stood from the chair he sat on and stormed out of the room, locking the door based on the jingle of keys and click I heard.

I searched around the room for an escape and the only way was the window. It was my only chance. I cautiously peered over and checked the distance down. 'Not that far, you can do this Isabelle,' I mentally encouraged myself. I sat in the windowsill and prepped myself for a rough landing. Without any other thought, I jumped.

My only thought as I fell was, 'This was a terrible idea!"

~Second chapter done. Let me know how you feel about this book. I like how its going. Should it be longer, shorter or is this good?

QOTC: What's your favorite color?

Song:Grace VanderWaal - Moonlight

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