Chapter 5 [Un-Edited]

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A/N ~ Sorry, it's later than I usually do. I'm trying to write a chapter every day but that is a challenge in itself. Anyways onto the book. ~

Recap: 'Don't worry mate, hang on I'm coming' I think.

Sebastian's POV:

As my mother pulls up to my mate's house, I can hear screams. I immediately run through the halls to where my mate's intoxicating scent leads to. But another sickly sweet smell enters my senses also. I make it to my mate's door and brace myself for what I'm about to see.

I bust open her door and no amount of preparation could have helped me. A blood-sucking leech is sucking my Isabelle's blood. My Isabelle is just struggling to get away. At this sight, all I can see is blood red.

I lunge forwards and rip the vampire off of her. "Mom, get Isabelle to the pack doctor," I order, using my Alpha voice. She quickly gathers my struggling mate in her arms and dashes out.

I turn back to the the vampire who has the nerve to mess with an Alpha's mate. I walk over to him and pick him up by his pale throat. I throw him across the room, trying my best not to kill him yet.

'He deserves a slow death,' I hear Liam growl out.

"Take him to the lowest part of our cells," I spat to my head warrior, Jackson. "Yes Alpha," he says and calls over some other men to help him.

I run out of my mate's apartment going back to my territory. 'Mom, how is she' I ask through mindlink.

I get no answer, which pushes me to run faster. I get there in record time and storm to the pack hospital. I rush to the receptionist's desk and shout, "I'm looking for a Isabelle, where is she!"

She hastily types on her computer and says, "Third floor, second door on the left, Alpha." I dash off to my mate's room where my mother sits outside. "How is she, mom," I ask my mother. All she does is shake her head. I go to the window and see my mate and her still body.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY MATE," I roar. Liam whimpers inside my mind which fuels my rage. A doctor rushes out and gives me a grim look. "Alpha, I'm afraid I have some bad news," he tells me warily.

"Spit it out," I growl as my eyes grow darker.

"It seems the Luna is beginning the transition of becoming a creature of the night," he says hurriedly.

That was when all hell broke loose.

Isabelle's POV:

All I can see is black and all I can feel is pain. I feel a soreness on the right side of my neck. I can hear multiple voices, sometimes shouting, sometimes whispering.

I try to open my eyes, but I can't. This causes me to panic, which causes a beeping noise to accelerate. I can hear rushed footsteps come towards me as they begin to shout.

'What's happening to me' I think desperately. 'Whats going on'

That was my last thought before darkness took over.

~ So finished. Bet you weren't expecting that. But OMG that took forever. I had to give you guys something though. Anyway ideas, suggestions, and support is welcome here.

QOTC: How many siblings do you have? I have a twin brother and two older sisters.

Song:Jai Waetford- That Girl

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