Chapter 15 [Un-Edited]

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A/N ~ So I know its been a while since I updated and I'm sorry. But I'm back in the game and I'm ready to continue. Let's do this *puts on game face* ~

Recap:I feel a mind numbing pain and I feel myself being pushed back in my head. 'Freedom' the voice hissed in delight. The last thing I see are Isabelle's light green eyes boring into me.

Isabelle's POV:

As the guys were talking and I was in my head, Sebastian suddenly groaned in pain. He doubled over in pain and Isaiah asks, "Are you okay Alpha?" Sebastian eyes open and his eyes are becoming half orange half blue.

We all look on concerned as we have no idea how to help him. 'Haze how can we help him' I ask pleadingly. Not that I care about him or anything, just the pack. Yeah that's it, the pack would be in a crisis if their Alpha died.

'Yeah, keep telling yourself that' Desi taunts. I ignore her. Sebastian looks directly at me before his eyes turn fully orange. His pupils are fully blown out.

He stands up casually, like it's perfectly normal to have fully orange eyes. All of us glance at each other cautiously, wondering if Sebastian is going to go on a rampage again. He looks around like it's his first time seeing the world.

'The lost puppy expression looks cute on him' Desi fawns over him. 'Can't you guys see what has happened to him' Desi interrupts.

I try to remember what Hazel said earlier. I look at Sebastian your see he's already staring at me.

'Not that I would tell Desi, but he does look pretty cute' I tell myself. 'I can hear you, you know' Desi chuckles. I curse under my breath.

'Why was I paired with these two' Hazel mutters. 'Get back on track' she says. I see Sebastian come towards me and I take a step back. "Hey, take a chill pill bro," I say nervously. He doesn't say anything but he continues on his way.

I scramble backwards away from him. Chris and the twins try to restrain Sebastian but it's like Sebastian is a man on a mission. A man possessed. Thats when a light bulb goes off inside my head. Hazel said something about someone taking over Sebastian's body.
'Oh great just what we need, a crazy lunatic taking over' I mutter mentally.

Chris's POV: (yeah, you weren't expecting that)

As we all sit around talking, I see Sebastian double over and groan in pain. We all look on concerned as we have no idea what's happening. "Are you okay Alpha," Isaiah asks. His eyes suddenly change to a funky orange color and he stares directly at the Luna. Isa stumbles backwards as he comes for her.

'Don't you ever think that again' my wolf, Trevor laughs. 'Get you mind out the gutter' I tell him and block him out.

I signal for the twins to help me and we all try to hold him down. "Goddess, how strong is this guy," Justin grunts. "Well, he is the Alpha," his twins retorts. "Well excuse me for trying to make conversation," Justin says.

"Can't you see were busy right now, we don't need to talk," Isaiah strains. "Shut up," Justin says smartly. "You shut up," Isaiah returns. "Both of you shut up before I hang you with your intestines," I snarl.

"Dude, thats just nasty," Isaiah mutters. I see Isa out the corner of my eye look around wildly. She runs for something out my peripheral vision. A few seconds later, Sebastian collapses on the ground, once again.

We all turn and see Isa with a frying pan in her hand. She see all of us looking at her and shrugs. "If Rapunzel from Tangled can use a frying pan, so can I."

~Alright.... hehehe don't kill me. I updated yay. Just a reminder today is the last day of the Night Creatures Awards. Did any of you actually participate in it? If so, good for you. If not, good because less competition. Anyway, what you guys think? What should happen to Sebastian? Leave your ideas in the comments.

All song requests, ideas, comments, and suggestions are welcome.

QOTC:Do you prefer solo artists or groups? I prefer groups the best.

Song: It Will Rain- Bruno Mars (because I just saw an amazing cover of it)

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