Chapter 25 [Un-Edited]

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A/N~ This book is starting to come together. It won't be long before the story is over. But you know, I can always write some more. Like some extras and specials. What you think? I'll continue this on the other author's note. Now to MSM.

Recap: It won't be long now before Sebastian is back to himself. Then he can start caring for the pack again, with our new Luna. Even if she won't admit her feelings, yet. 'Lets see what else Fate has in store for us' Trevor says, in a wise voice, for once.

Lilith's POV:

We finally made it to Sebastian's location after 3 days of traveling. At first it was weird shifting into a wolf, but Sera helped me immensely.


Liam, Chris, the twins, and me all walked outside. "OK, so how do I do this," I ask aloud. "Well, I usually just think about shifting, and I do," Justin explains. "It's a walk in the park, Isaiah adds in his two cents. The others pitch in other comments. I nod in understanding. 'Are you ready Sera' I ask. I can see her get herself ready. I concentrate on what I think she looks like. Light grey fur, with strands of white. Sharp teeth and claws. 4 paws and my tail.

Shooting pain starts to travel around my body. I can hear Sera, Desi, and Haze try to comfort me. I scream out in pain and fall to all fours. My back arched as the pain went down my spine.

After what seems like hours, with a lot of screaming, whimpers, groans, and comforting words, the pain was over. I lay on the ground, panting in exhaustion.

"Lil can you hear me," I heard Liam move closer. I growl lowly. The guys sigh in relief. "Well, until your officially part of the pack, and our Luna, you won't be able to mind link us," Isaiah says. I nod my wolf head the best I can.

'I know one thing for certain, that was not walk in the park' I tell Sera, Desi and Hazel. They laugh at me.

Flashback Over~

We split in two groups to cover more ground. Chris and Isaiah go with two people, Sylvia and Parker. While me, Liam, and Justin get Beck. Sylvia, Parker, and Beck are the three extra warriors we brought with  us.

Our group goes through the side and Chris's group goes through the entrance so we can surround where we know Sebastian is.

As my group goes to our assigned location I start to wonder if my plan would work. I feel bad for not telling the guys, mostly Liam, but it has to be done. And with that, I walk with a more confident gait.

Liam's POV:

As we're walking, I notice that Lilith looks very nervous and regretful. But in a blink of an eye, she goes back to being her old self, confident and fiery.

My wolf, Zach paces through my mind while I feel my demon snarl lightly. I try to shake off the feeling and focus on the task at hand. But I do take a mental note to ask her about that later. But for now, we gotta save my sister's mate

~Ayyeee... this chapter took a while to write because I don't know how I want Isa/Lilith to act necessarily. Should I make her a boss ass bitch or should I make her have like some basic training, with a few tricks up her sleeve? Comment how you want Lilith to act.

As promised I would continue talking about specials and extras and stuff. I could do like a Halloween special or Thanksgiving one, when we get there. I actually like that idea, but I wont make it where Sebastian is evil, everyone is together and they have a good time. Should I do this? Comment your answer.

Another announcement is that my brother has a few chapters on his book done now. He writes about vocaloid, they are some Japanese singers. It's Kagamine Lens Hatsune Miku and some other but you know. His username is Boobleenboo and you guys should follow him and make him feel good about himself 😂😂. Thats all for today my lovelies. All song requests, ideas, comments,

QOTC: Who are your favorite Youtubers? I have a whole lot but if I had to choose, Matt Steffanina, he's a dance choreographer.

Song:Sigrid- High-Five (because that's my artist of the week)

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