Chapter 24 [Un-Edited]

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A/N~ Ayyyyeee!!! New chapter. I bet you guys are wondering: dang she's been updating a lot this month. I know, I'm just that awesome. Let me stop. I'm just so bored. But I'll wait to rant at the end.

OK I'll shut up and get to the story. *mentally zips lips*

Recap: I lay on the cloud of a bed and soon darkness consumes me.

Belle's POV:

I woke up to the sunlight being directly in my face. (A/N~ don't you guys hate when that happens, ugh) I groaned and stretched my body. I sit up and look over to the night stand and see a note, with some more clothes.


I brought you some more clothes. After you get dressed, come down and breakfast will be waiting. After that we can plan how we will get your mate back.


'Well it seems he thought of everything' Desi says. I nod in agreement. I go to the attached bathroom and take another rather comforting shower. I hold out the clothes Liam gave me. I see some black skinny jeans with a white shirt. I also see that he put a leather jacket in there.

I put on the clothes, and still feel kinda awkward that he brought me undergarments. I walk out the room in search of the kitchen. After taking multiple twists and turns, I finally come across the kitchen.

I see Chris and the twins sitting at the table, wolfing down pancakes like there's no tomorrow. I scrunch my nose up at them. Liam is the first one to see me. "Good morning Lil," he calls.

'I have to get used to that name' I mutter mentally. "Good morning Liam," I say back. I sit in the an empty  seat that's beside Isaiah. He stops long enough to gather air and nod at me in greeting.

I shake my head at them, and get my own plate.

When that delicious breakfast was over, we migrated to Liam's office. He rolled out a map with a red circle around one section.

"This is where Hazel said Sebastian is," Liam tells us while pointing to the circle. "How long would it take to get there," Justin asks. "Well it would take about 3-4 days," he replies.

"That's too long," I interrupt. "Well, that's even in wolf form, but you don't have a wolf." Liam raises a brow. Whrm he said that I felt a new power course through me.

'What is that' I ask in alarm. 'I don't know but it seems powerful' Hazel answers.

'Finally, time for me to make my entrance' a new voice says in my mind. 'Who are you' I ask this new person, who also wants to occupy mind.

'I am Sera, your werewolf' she answers. And with that I get pushed to the back of my mind.

Chris's POV:

"That's too long," Isa interrupts Justin's next sentence. "Well that's even in wolf form, but you don't have a wolf," Liam counters.

We all look at Isa to hear her response, but she's as stiff as a board. 'Bro, you need to stop with those kind of jokes' Trevor says, full-on laughing.

'Chill out Trev' I tell my dirty-minded wolf, with a shake of my head. I snap back to reality as I hear gasps around the room. I look around and see them looking at Isabelle. I snap my head to her to see her eyes turn pitch black.

She sighs in what seems like relief. "Finally, I have been locked up for far too long," Isa, but at the same time not Isa, smiles. "Hello dear brother. How's life been treating you," she continues.

"Umm, do I know you," Liam asks this mystery person. "Shame, after all these years, you can't recognize your own flesh and blood," she pouts. Liam narrows his eyes in thought.

"Sera," he says, full of uncertainty. "Bingo, big bro," she cheers. "How, I thought Lil was a witch-vampire hybrid," he furrows his brows.

"Well, I was locked away by some magic man, and now that my Lilith needs me, boom here I am," she explains. "Woah, hold on, you can't just say something like that, and expect us to just roll with it. Explain in more detail please," Isaiah asserts. I have no time to be shocked at Isaiah's seriousness, as I want to know the story too.

"Well, after Lilith was captured, as you know, those men, it was like they wanted her to do something magical. They tortured her, and put wolfsbane in her, even though I hadn't even fully appeared yet. After months of torture, a strange man came to visit. I can't remember what he looks like, but I will never forget his eyes."

"They were a awful orange. He examined my little Lil, and he was nice to her at first. After we both started to trust him, he said we had to do one little thing for him. He said to not struggle. I didn't know what he meant by that, until he closed his eyes. When he opened them they were such a vibrant orange, I was blinded. You know how sensitive our eyes get to such bright light."

"Get back to the story," I interrupt her rambling. "Fine Mr. Grumpy Pants," she grumbles.

"He laid his hands on our head and started muttering gibberish. I felt myself start to fade away, but as I was leaving, I felt two more presences, who must have been Hazel and Desiree. After that, he must have sent my little Lilith to the human world. And I can't remember anything after that," Sera finishes her tale.

We all try to comprehend what we just heard and I have no words. "Well, we do know that Isa, or Lilith, whatever, went to foster care, and got adopted but she can't remember her life before being adopted. Maybe that has something to do with it," Justin supplies. Me and Isaiah nod, signaling our agreement.

"Well if that's settled, let's start trying to find my mate," Sera says, trying to get back at the matter at hand. We all snap back to reality, and continue planning our trip to where the Alpha is.

It won't be long now before Sebastian is back to himself. Then he can start caring for the pack again, with our new Luna. Even if she won't admit her feelings, yet. 'Lets see what else Fate has in store for us' Trevor says, in a wise voice, for once.

~As promised I have to rant. My power has been off for three whole fricking days. THREE!!! And to top it off I couldn't update like I wanted because my WiFi wasn't on because of the power. Jesus!!! Also my trip got canceled AGAIN because of this hurricane. This is the second time that it's been rescheduled and I'm getting pissed. Goodness, I swear it's like fate doesn't want me to go or something. Another thing is that my mom is acting a total fool. She really needs to chill out before I say something I won't regret. Parents, am I right?

OK end of rant. It is now safe to read. How did you guys like this long overdue chapter. My plans were messed up because of the hurricane, but whatevs.

Guess what my lovelies, I have a new story idea. I won't start it until I'm done with this book though. And I won't give out any details, no matter how much y'all beg. *insert evil laugh here* I make myself die of laughter. But anyways, all ideas, song requests, comments, and suggestions are welcome.

QOTC: What are some of you guys pet peeves? I have too many to name.

Song: CHIP ft. Ella Mai- Hit Me Up

~Vote. Comment. Share.*~

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