Chapter 8 [Un-Edited]

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A/N ~ OK my new goal is a chapter every 2 or 3 days, preferably 2. But guys, we're at more than half a thousand reads. So grateful to have made it that far. Alright enough sappy stuff let's get to the story. ~

Recap:"OK, operation chivalry is a go," I speak aloud to no one.

Isabelle's POV:

After the beautiful guys leaves, I turn back to Doc. I'm actually considering if I should tell him about the voices. He will probably think I'm crazy and tell someone to lock me in an asylum.

'Tell him. He will understand and he won't think you're crazy' says Hazel.  'Yeah kid it's all good and if not Haze can just do some voodoo stuff' Desiree adds. I can feel Hazel or Haze nod.

I take a deep breath and put my attention back on Doc who's waiting for my answer. "There are two voices in my head. One, who calls herself Desiree, is a vampire and the other, Hazel, is a witch. What do I do, doc," I tell him. Before he gets the chance to speak once again, I feel a sharp pain in my stomach.

I groan and Doc seems to realize something. "Oh my, I guess I forgot about this," he goes over to the tiny table and hands me a bag full of blood. "Here, drink this and then we'll talk," he says. I sniff the blood and Desiree actually whines.

I plug my nose and take a huge gulp. I swallow and feel my taste buds explode. It's like some animal took over me and was tearing through those blood bags. Soon enough they were all gone.

"Appetizing, I take it," Doc chuckles. I sheepishly nod. "So, finally now that I am able to talk without interr-," he starts, but is once stopped once again by the door opening. This time instead of beautiful guy, a lady enters.

"I give up!! I can't say anything around here without being interrupted," Doc shouts and storms out of the room.

My eyes widen in shock as I see who it is and I feel a sense of betrayal. She walks further inside and offers me a small smile, one that I don't return. Her smile falls off and she clears her throat awkwardly.

"I don't believe I have introduced myself formally. My name is Grace Black, Sebastian's mother."

~ So.... I know that it's been a while. But my brother is starting to write a story because I convinced him to download wattpad. He won't allow me to tell you guys his username but its whatever. Anyway how did you like the chapter? All ideas, support and suggestions are welcome here.

QOTC:What are your hobbies? I love to read, obviously and to sing.

Song:Liam Payne ft. J Balvin- Familiar

~*Vote. Comment. Share.*~

P.S.- I'm gonna try and make a longer chapter today, but remember I said try. Because this one was super short and yah.

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