Chapter 16 [Un-Edited]

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A/N ~ I have no words so lets just jump into the story.

Recap: We all turn and see Isa with a frying pan in her hand. She sees all of us looking at her and shrugs. "If Rapunzel from Tangled can use a frying pan, so can I."

Isabelle's POV:

After I knocked out Sebastian, we all decided it was best to tie him up. Chris gave him a shot of wolfsbane, just in case. Now we're all sitting in a random room with Sebastian tied to a chair. "What do we do? We don't know what's wrong with him," Isaiah says. "Should we take him back to the pack doctor," Justin asks Chris.

Chris shakes his head. "They didn't know what was wrong with him before, what would they say now," he replies. They start discussing what to do with him which eventually turns into an argument. "Guys," I murmur, but they don't hear me. "Guys, lets discuss this rationly," I tell them with a bit more force and get the same reaction. "SETTLE DOWN," I roar with a tone that I have never used before. It even scared me a little.

'Woah, warrior woman calm down' Desi mocks as I breathe heavily.

Their heads bow down in submission. "Sorry Luna," they mutter. "Now that I have your attention. I know what's wrong with Sebastion," I sigh. They look at me expectantly. So I tell them everything, well what I know.

'Which isn't much' Haze has to put in her two cents. The twins stare at me in shock and Chris looks thoughtful.

Before any of them can say anything else, Sebastian stirs. Our attention shifts to him as he groggily wakes up. He looks around and finally spots us.

The first thing I see are his icy blue eyes but they have an orange tint.

"Guys what's going on," he says. We glance at each other. "We're not gonna fall for that this time. Give Sebastian back to us," Justin states for all of us.

"What the.... what are you talking about," he asks, getting angry. His eyes shift from the orange to his normal blue. His head jerks from side to side like something from the exorcist.

He stops suddenly, as his eyes stay orange. His head tilts sideways and he just stares directly at me.

'What a creeper' I whisper to the two in my head. 'But he's a hot creeper' Desi replies. As I zone back to reality I see Sebastian mouth a few words to me and he disappears in a black mist.

"What in the world," I say.

All of us stand there in shock and confusion until Isaiah breaks the silence. "Well, bye then." Chris and Justin give him a look and Justin smacks his twin on the back of the head. "What did I say," he whines.

But what Sebastian mouthed replays in my mind. 'It's time to play, little kitten.'

~ Soooo..... it's been a minute. But guys school starts next week and I am not looking forward to it. Too many annoying people. So what's up with you guys? All song requests, ideas, comments, and suggestions are welcome.

QOTC: What's the name of your school, if you do go? I go to Randolph-Henry High School.

Song:Panic! At the Disco- Hey Look Ma, I Made It ❤️ (because their new album Pray For The Wicked is bae)

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