Chapter 4 [Un-Edited]

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A/N ~ Alright let's do this. I really love that you guys show me your love for this book. It makes me feel great for only a beginner writer. I just had to say that. Now to the story. ~

Recap:The comfort my bed gave, drew me to sleep in seconds.

Isabelle's POV:

I woke up to Lexi's growls. I glanced over and saw her at my door looking outside, which set me on alert.

I cautiously got out of bed, and grabbed the metal bat that leans against my closet. After securing my weapon, I slowly walk to the wall near my door and peer out.

As I look out, I almost scream. My hand clamps over my mouth before it can be released. A person is right across the hall, just wandering about.

I tip toe over to my dresser and grab my cell phone. Before I can even dial 911, my phone starts to blast "I'm Sexy and I Know It." My boss, Doug, pops up on the screen. I immediately try to stop it but it's too late.

The man barges in my room, and I scream. I didn't only scream because a stranger broke in my apartment, but because of his eyes. Their a crimson red, that are glowing murderously.

Lexi stands in front of me trying to protect me. The man comes closer and closer while I scramble for the bat. I take a swing at him, but he catches it. He looks at me in amusement and says, "I was taught to not play with my food, but for you I can make an exception."

And with those words he flings me across the room. As I fly across the room I think 'I'm gonna kill Doug.'

Sebastian's POV:

I ran all over my territory and I still couldn't find her. I went back to the pack house to regroup with my pack.

As I running back in hear, 'Alpha your mother is here.' I reply back with an OK and kept on my way.

I walk in the packhouse and see my mother, Grace Black, sitting on my couch watching TV. She gets up and gives me a hug.

"Mom, what are you doing here, not that I don't want you here," I ask.

"Can't a mother come visit her favorite son," she answers. "I'm your only son," I reply flatly.

She shrugs me off and goes on about this girl that she saw on the side of the road that she had to take home. I honestly wasn't paying attention, I was thinking about my now lost mate.
All of a sudden, I feel like I got punched in the side. It made me lose my breath and made me double over.

My mother rushes over and yells in worry. I groan and feel a huge rush of fear. "Honey, have you found your mate," she asks. All I could do was nod my head. "You might be feeling your mates pain right now, sweetheart," she informs me.

"We need to find her honey," she said in a kind voice. "But, I don't know where she is mom," I say in between pants. "What does she look like, son," she asks patiently.

I give her a description of my beautiful mate, and her eyes light up in recognition. She runs out to her car after yelling at me to follow. We get into her car and she tells me she knows where my mate, Isabelle lives.

'Isabelle, that's your name' I think dreamily. But I snapped back to reality quickly, my mate was in danger. And here I was thinking about her name. I mindlinked some warriors to follow behind us.

'Don't worry mate, hang on I'm coming' I think.

~ Done. Sorry it's later than usual, but I've been busy all day. So yah... Anyway comments, ideas and support are always welcome here.

QOTC: Where do you live? I live in Virginia.

Song:5 Seconds of Summer- If Walls Could Talk (from their new album)

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