Chapter 28 [Un-Edited]

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A/N~ I know you guys have been waiting for this so I'm just gonna talk at the end. Enjoy your chapter my lovelies!!!

Recap: With their haste to get out, nobody noticed the faint heartbeat of the person clinging to life by a thread.

Third Person's POV:

Sebastian sat by his mate's side, while she laid in her hospital bed. He had dark bags under his eyes from pure exhaustion and he didn't smell that good either.

He held her hand, which felt the way he imagined it would feel to hold your mate's hand. The sparks running between them was something familiar to him and that brought him comfort.

It's been 5 days since the whole Arion situation and Lilith, or so he's been told thats her name, still hasn't woken up. Doctor Tarentino (A/N~ is that the doctor's name, it's been a while I can't really remember) said that she is in perfect condition, but he doesn't know what is wrong with her.

The door behind Sebastian slowly opened, but he did not move a muscle. The unidentified person walked forward and put their hand on his shoulder. The smallness and the comfort it brought immediately let Sebastian know it was his mother.

Sebastian knew his mother was worried about him. After coming back when he was possessed by a vengeful sorcerer and then the first thing he sees as himself is his mate unconscious of the ground. That would put a dent in anyone.

"Hun, maybe you should get some rest. I'll watch Lilith for you," Grace said. Sebastian finally turned and looked his mother in her kind eyes. "No, she needs me," he rasps after a while of not speaking. He cleared his throat.

"I'll come get you if anything changes, but hun you need to sleep," Grace reassured. Sebastian's stomach growled, "And maybe get something to eat and a shower."

Sebastian knows his mother was right and that's why he nodded. He got up from the uncomfortable chair, that he occupied for the 5 days Lilith has been unconscious and felt his bones creak and pop.

He walked, without actually paying attention to where he was going, and miraculously arrived to his bedroom. He went into his bathroom and turned on the water to the right temperature.

He started stripping out his clothes and started to let his mind wander.

After the much needed shower Sebastian went to his walk in closet and got out some comfy clothes to sleep in.

He got in his bed, got comfortable and let sleep consume him.


Meanwhile in Lilith's hospital room, Grace held onto her hand. She hoped she would wake soon or she feared her son would go insane. "Hun, if you can hear me, can you please wake up soon? Sebastian has been so worried about you," she said, hoping that Lilith would just magically awaken.

The room was still.

Grace sighed and squeezed Lilith's hand. 'Please Goddess help her' Grace pleaded.


Lilith didn't know where she was. It was dark and she had no sense of direction. After walking aimlessly she saw a bright light ahead and began walking towards it.

When she reached it she stretched her hand to it and was transported to a large meadow. There was a tall willow tree in the middle with three people just sitting under it.

"Hey, can anyone of you tell me where I am," she shouted. The three just looked at her and for some reason Lilith seemed like she knew them.

One of them had dark black hair with bright red eyes with what looked like fangs hanging out their mouth. This woman had a mischievous feel to her. Another was a girl with dirty blonde hair with mesmerizing purple eyes. She had a calming aura around her. The last girl had unique silver hair with black eyes they were like a dark abyss. She had a serious and dominant aura around her.

These three women seemed familiar but Lilith could not put her finger on where she knew them from. The one with blonde hair shook her head with a warm smile and opened her mouth to say something but the black-haired one jumped in first.

"Finally, you're here! You took literally forever and I was getting bored," she exclaimed. "Desiree, you know she can't help it. This is her first time being "on the other side" as you so cleverly put it earlier," the blonde one scolded. The two started to bicker back and forth.

"I'm sorry about those two, but they never get along. I'm Seraphina, or Sera, and that's Desiree, or Desi, and that's Hazel, or Haze," Sera told me while pointing to the other two.

"I'm Lil-" Lilith started but Hazel stopped her. "Yeah we know," she smiled. Lilith raised a brow in question.

"Well, we're your witch, vampire, and werewolf. We were inside you," Hazel explained. Lilith's jaw dropped in shock. "That's what she said," Desiree snickered.

~Guys I know it's been a good minute but we only have like one chapter left. I know exactly how I'm gonna end this*evil smirk*. Anyways, whats up!!! I hope y'all are good because I'm not. My history teacher is such a mean cheeseball, it makes no sense. He literally went off on the class, but he's so weird its whatevs.

I did this chapter as a Christmas gift to you all. Merry Early Christmas!!! Aren't y'all proud of me? OK I'll stop talking now. All suggestions, song requests, ideas and comments are welcome here.

QOTC:What's y'alls New Year resolutions? Mines is to be more confident overall in life. Lame ik, but y'all can bite me.

Song:Sunflower- Post Malone ft. Swae Lee (its a good song, y'all should get it)

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