Chapter 21 [Un-Edited]

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A/N~ New chapter. I know, I'm proud of myself too. Can I get a round of applause? *takes a bow* Thank you, thank you. OK guys, I'm jumping straight into the book. Enjoy! ~

Recap: "And why not," I say, raising a brow. "Because, you look just like my late sister," he says, seriously. My mouth drops in shock. 'Well shit just hit the fan' Desi laughs.

Belle's POV:

Everyone stands in silence for what feels like years. It was like you could hear a pin drop. I finally decide to break the silence. "Could you repeat that, one more time," I say in disbelief.

"You look just like my sister, and I cannot let you leave until I get some answers," he replies sternly. All of us just gawk at him. I look at the twins and Chris and they looked as shocked as me.

'Guys, what should I do' I ask Haze and Desi. 'I think you should use this to you advantage' Hazel suggests. 'How so' I dare to ask. 'Well if he thinks your his sister, then use that to get some information out of him' Desi
interrupts. I stand there shocked, as Desiree has always been goofy never serious.

I agree with this method and ask the Alpha, "What happened to her?" He looks off, zoning out, with a pained look. "I don't know, many years ago, she disappeared off the face of the Earth. I never saw her again," he told me.

"What was her name," I asked after a few seconds of awkward silence. "Lilith," he says. When he says that I feel a twinge of pain in my brain. (A/N-Bro that rhymed... OK I'll get back to the book) I clutch my head, while swaying side to side. I start to see a flash of something.


"Come on," I shout out in impatience. "I'm coming. Don't get you panties in a twist," the Alpha Rogue grumbles. My past self just laughs, even though my mind is reeeling. We run into the woods and run for a while. We soon come across what seems to be a tree house. Past me grabs the Alpha's hand and I guide him to the ladder.

It looks rundown. The wood looks to be rotting and the ladder is missing a few rungs. We start the climb up. "Come on Liam," past me says again.

Liam. That's his name. How weird. We get to the top and I see coloring pages scattered around. Bean bag chairs, and small radio and other knick-knacks laybaround. I grab Liam's hand again, and we sit on the bean bags and color.

A few hours pass, until we suddenly hear a rustling of some bushes. I think nothing of it, as it could have been a rabbit or something. Liam's head, though, snaps right up. He sniffs the air and his lips curl into a snarl.

Past Liam looks to be around the age of 14, which means he probably hasn't shifted yet. He's lanky and has no muscle mass, which is unusual. I look to be only around six years old, with chubby cheeks and bright, innocent eyes.

"Stay here Lil," Liam tells past me assertively. I nod while watching him. When he goes down the ladder, I follow. He looks back at me and glares. "I thought I told you to stay," he snaps. I only huff in response.

We get down and Liam says in a powerful tone, "Come out and show yourself. I know your there." The bushes rustle again and a man comes out.

I clutch onto my brother's hand tightly. The man looks at Liam then his gaze goes to me. He smiles creepily, which makes me hide behind Liam. "Well, well what do I have here," he chuckles nastily.

I zone out until I feel, rather than hear, Liam growl. He starts shaking and I stand there confused. The man just stands there smiling. He steps forward towards us and we back up. This continues until we hit a tree.

The man looks at me and just stares. He reaches for me, but Liam swats him away. "Stay away from my sister," he warns. The man tsks and shoves Liam to the ground. Liam, who hasn't shifted, isn't as strong as a full grown man.

He latches onto my shoulder and I shreik. I bite him and immediately gag. That was disgusting. He cries out in pain and smakcks my cheek. Liam tries to help me, but the man is too strong. The man grabs me again, this time successfully. I struggle in his grip, watching helplessly as the man flings my brother at a tree like he's nothing. "Liam help me, please," I beg, looking at my brother for help.

He lies still. "Liam, come on. Get up," I repeat over and over while in the man's grip. He doesn't respond, he doesn't even move. I start to scream and kick to get out this guy's arms. "It's okay princess, I'll take good care of you," he smiles ugily. That was the last thing I hear before I'm knocked out.

End of Vision:

I open my eyes to see I'm looking in the eyes of my brother. "Liam," I croak out. He looks at me in shock, but I pass out again before I can process anything else.

~Wooo-hoooo....... I almost cried when Belle (Lilith) was trying to wake her brother up. But I kept strong. Anyways, thoughts, comments. What you guys think? I know it's been a while, but I can't be that rusty at writing. Right.....? I don't know. So with that said:all song requests, ideas, comments, and suggestions are welcome.

QOTC: Do you guys have any social media? I do (you can see it on my profile) *hint hint*

Song:Alex Aiono- Question

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