Chapter One

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Jungkook is older in this


Jungkook and Taehyung have been in a relationship for almost five years now. They were happy with each other and barely every fought over anything and if they did fight it was childish bickering that would end with cuddles and Netflix or Hulu. Jungkook was going to school to be a teacher and was in his third year out of four years of school while Taehyung was only in his fourth out of seven years. Of course they both had side jobs to continue living in their apartment including the help of their parents here and there.

Even through stressful situations they were always happy with each other's presence and did anything to make the other smile or laugh. They were typical couplegoals. Even their friends sometimes envied them for having such a healthy and stable relationship.

They obviously loved each other dearly but being college students, they were still a little childish and weren't ready to take any major steps in their lives. They had talked about marriage and kids before, Jungkook didn't really like the idea of marrying even when they were older and he had only wanted it to be just him and the love of his life. He didn't want any kids but Taehyung did. But of course he figured it would be easier to just adopt a cat or a dog when they finally start getting stable incomes and living in an actual house. He wasn't mad that the love of his life didn't want to marry him or have kids with him, he respected Jungkook's thoughts and just wanted the older male to be happy.

Then one night Taehyung woke up throwing his guts up. Of course both male's thought it was just some stomach flu and Taehyung decided to make an appointment to make sure. He had convinced Jungkook not to go with him since midterms were coming up. He expected the doctor to just give him some antibiotics or prescribe him Equate or something but he didn't expect her to ask him if he wanted to take a urine or blood test.

"Why...?" He asked, confused, "it's just a stomach bug or something isn't it?"

The doctor shook her head and patted him on the shoulder, "when's the last time you had any sexual intercourse, Mr. Kim?"

'Why is she asking me this?' he thought, frowning at the woman. He gave her a simple answer, "one or two months ago."

He did a urine test and she told him that the results will be back after one to two days. He was still confused when he returned home that day.

After two days past he received a call from the doctor. They had been studying when Taehyung's phone started ringing. He simple he but it on silent, not even bothering to look at the caller ID so he could continue studying. If it was important then they'd leave a voicemail. They studied for a couple more hours before Jungkook decided to take a ramen break. While he was cooking their delicious meal of instant, chicken flavored ramen, Taehyung decided to check the voicemail the caller had left.

"Hello Mr. Kim, this is Dr. Son. I'm calling to tell you that I have the results from the urine test you did two days ago and my suspicions were correct: congratulations Kim Taehyung, you're two months pregnant. On that note I'll have you know that male pregnancy isn't that rare, I wish you the best and good luck."

Taehyung's whole body seemed to pale. He dropped his phone on the bed and stared in horror at it. He couldn't be pregnant! There was no way! How could this happen to him?! Tears gathered up in his eyes but he quickly wiped them away after hearing Jungkook yell that his food was ready.

Throughout the rest of the evening Taehyung wanted to burst into tears. Jungkook had noticed Taehyung's mood change and decided that it was just school stress. So they put off studying and decided to cuddle and watch Supernatural.

A month past and Taehyung was still stressing about his current situation. His grades didn't falter or anything but Jungkook could tell that his lover was hiding something from him by just the way Taehyung looked. Of course the older started thinking the worse and he confronted the younger one night,

"Are you cheating on me?"

Taehyung choked on his strawberry tea and gave the older an incredulous look, "w-what?" He said between coughs.

Jungkook shrugged and looked away, "I don't know. You're being weird and secretive, I just — I don't know..."

Taehyung finished his coughing fit and grabbed Jungkook's arms, "why on Earth would I cheat on the best person in the world? That's like throwing away a real diamond and picking up a pebble."

"Well you're hiding something, Taehyung, I can tell. We promised we'd tell each other everything no matter how awkward or weird it is."

Taehyung fell quiet and Jungkook huffed, "what are you hiding from me?"

"I ca—"

"Taehyung." Jungkook's voice deepened in a warning tone.

Tears gathered in the younger's eyes and he opened his mouth to say something but instead of words he broke into sobs. Jungkook was taken aback, Taehyung barely ever cried about anything, well he did cry when they were watching A Dog's Purpose and any other movie that involves a dog dying but this time Jungkook didn't understand why he was crying. He just took him in his arms, unsure what to do and rubbed his back.

"Were you cheating on me?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung shook his head and reached for his phone. He never deleted the voicemail so he decided to just let Jungkook listen to it himself. The older male frowned in confusion but simply put the phone up to his ear and listened to the voicemail.

Taehyung's heart dropped at the sight of Jungkook's hardening expression. Jungkook dropped his phone on the bed and left the room immediatly. Taehyung got up and scrambled after his boyfriend well saying his name weakly but Jungkook ignored him and slammed the front door in his face.

'He'll come back' Taehyung reassured himself, 'Five years, he can't let five years go to waste'


That Saturday morning Taehyung woke up alone. On Jungkook's night stand was money and a note card with the word "rent" written on it.

Jungkook's clothes and shoes were gone.

Taehyung burst into tears and called Hoseok since Jungkook had apparently blocked him. Hoseok came over an hour later with Glade spray, fatty foods and a bunch of Tim Burton movies.

"W-what's the Glade for?" Taehyung asked, his eyes puffy and red from crying for the whole hour of waiting for the older male.

"We gotta spray the Jungkook away." Hoseok said while handing him a can of air freshener.

After spraying the small apartment with Glade they sat down in the living room and started watching Corpse Bride while shoving their faces with Fudge Rounds.


Word Count: 1200

I was thinking of making Jungkook be pregnant but nahhhh I didn't want to

there will be NO yoonmin

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