Chapter Seventeen

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Say the name~


Jungkook had assumed that going to the mall with a five year old kid and a moody/hormonal pregnant man would be easy. But he thought completely wrong.

At first, everything was going swell, Haneul was being calm and picking out things he wanted and Jimin was being normal, meaning his mood swings haven't kicked in it.

Then Haneul wanted to get a fish. Or a 'Nemo' as he put it.

Jungkook told him no, thinking Haneul would just let it go but Haneul was not having any of that. He plopped down on the floor in front of the fish and stuck his bottom lip out as he willed tears to gather up in his eyes. Of course, he started wailing in the middle of the store.

"BUT DADDY I WANT A NEMO~" Haneul screamed. Jungkook sighed and kneeled down to take the fishbowl away but Haneul held the fishbowl close his chest and wailed. One of the employees walked up to him, obviously annoyed, and offered to let them take the fish for free but neither Jimin nor Jungkook wanted a clownfish to take care of and tried to convince Haneul to put the fish back.

"Haneul." Jungkook said, "if you don't stop I'll call Taehyung."

He shook his head and hugged the fishbowl closer, "d-d-don't call mo-mommy."

Jimin huffed before reaching down and snatching the fishbowl out of Haneul's arm, some water spilling over the edge and on the floor in the process. Haneul screamed and fell back and started kicking his legs as Jimin placed the bowl back on the shelf where it came from. Jungkook apologized to the employees and picked the five year old up. Haneul cried and pushed against him but Jungkook just held the small, angry child against him and wrapped one arm under his bum and the other around his back.

"P-put me down!" Haneul yelled repeatedly but eventually gave up on yelling and just cried as Jungkook and Jimin walked out of the store. Jimin was glad, his feet were starting to get sore, he was out of breath from walking around and his mood had dropped. Haneul cried the whole walk out of the store but only three minutes after they left the mall he was out cold.

Jimin sighed and rubbed his stomach, "I'm starving."

"What do you want to eat then?" Jungkook asked, glancing up in the rearview mirror and sighing in relief because Haneul was asleep.


When they arrived at their destination, Jungkook decided to walk in since the drive-through line was too long. Jimin stayed in the car since Haneul was asleep and his feet were hurting. While Jungkook was in the restaurant his phone started ringing. At first, Jimin was going to ignore it, he didn't want to invade his boyfriend's privacy but when he saw the caller ID he couldn't help himself.


Jimin tapped the answer icon, "hello?"

"Jungkook, where's Haneul?" Taehyung asked, "wait who's this?"

"I'm Jungkook's boyfriend, who is this?"

There was a long pause and Jimin smirked. Sure Taehyung was his friend but how can you be friends with your significant other's ex? Plus Jimin didn't really like the fact Jungkook already had a kid and he all of sudden became interested in being in the kid's life right after Jimin told him he was pregnant. Sure, Jimin's baby might not even be Jungkook's but if she was then Jimin doesn't want Jungkook spending money on some other his other kid, no matter how selfish that sounds. Haneul was a very adorable and sweet child and Taehyung was very calm and nice person but if Jimin's baby was Jungkook's then he'd most likely stay with Jungkook and Jimin doesn't want Haneul nor Taehyung in either if their lives.

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