Chapter Fifteen

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Time skip to Friday evening~


Taehyung took a shaky breath as he carefully folded his son's clothes and put them in a Luigi backpack. He had already sent a text to Jungkook stating his address and what time to be there. He then sent another text stating Haneul's allergies, what he can and cannot have at certain times and uneeded things like his favorite foods and cartoons. It was now 5:40pm meaning Jungkook should be there in 20 minutes or later.

"Mommy I want to bring my Squidward onesie." Haneul said as he waddled into his room. He grabbed his onesie and handed to Taehyung who sighed, "I already packed your pajamas."

"But I wanna Squidward!"

Taehyung sighed, "fine, just go get your shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste."

Taehyung didn't know what all Jungkook had and what all he didn't so he was just packing all the needs just in case Jungkook didn't have what he needed to have. Of course Jungkook would have shampoo, Taehyung knew from past experience that Jungkook loved his hair a little too much but the kind of shampoo Haneul had was tearless. The last time he used regular shampoo on Haneul's hair he had gotten it in his eyes and Haneul had screamed and cried for a whole 10 minutes.

Haneul walked back into his room and sat the items on the floor in front of the blonde. Taehyung zipped up the backpack and he put the shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste in the side pockets.

"Do you think he has Tim Burton movies?" Haneul asked. Most kids would be scared or creeped out by Tim Burton movies but Haneul absolutely loved them. He liked a few Disney and Pixar movies but if he could choose between them or Tim Burton, then he'd choose Tim Burton.

"I don't know, baby, do you wanna bring one just in case?"

Haneul nodded and rolled over to his closet and pulled out his box that had his movies in it. He searched through them before smiling and holding up Alice In Wonderland, "I want to bring this one."

Taehyung put the movie on top of the clothes and zipped the backpack. He walked into the living room and sat the bag down on the couch before picking up his phone off the counter in the kitchen where he left it. Jungkook had texted him 15 minutes ago saying that he'd be there soon.

"You ready?" Taehyung asked Haneul who was standing right beside him. Haneul nodded but Taehyung could tell he didn't mean it.

He lifted him up and sat him in the counter, "what's wrong?"

"Do you and my other dad hate each other?"

Taehyung frowned, ""

"Because Jaesung's mommy and daddy hate each other but he said that his daddy let's him see her once a week."

Taehyung's puffed his cheeks out, "I'm sure they don't hate e-"

"No, he said they fight a lot."

Taehyung opened and closed his mouth like a fish, unsure what to say. Suddenly a knock on the door saved him from saying something stupid, "welp, he's here baby. Go get your shoes on."

"The Timberlands?"

"Whichever." Taehyung lifted him off the counter and Haneul rushed to his room. Taehyung walked into the living room and stopped in front of the door. He closed his eyes for a brief second before unlocking it and opening it.

"He's putting his shoes on now." Taehyung said as he stiffly moved aside to let the older male in, "I-I didn't know what all you had so I p-packed all the necessities."

"I pretty much got the things you told me to get." Jungkook said while looking around. Thankfully Haneul walked back into the living room and had Taehyung tie his shoes before things could get anymore awkward.

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