Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Since it was Thursday and Taehyung had to work again Haneul had to stay with Jungkook. Jungkook decided that today was the perfect day to go to the park and it truly was. The sky was clear and the air was the perfect blend of pre-autumn and late-summer since it tended to get colder earlier in Korea than it did other places.

Haneul was swinging when a group of four girls approached him and asked if he wanted to play tag but he had to be 'it'. Haneul agreed and jumped off his swing to start playing with the girls.

Everything was going well for Jungkook until Ahreum got fussy. Jungkook had been scrolling on his phone, looking up and glancing in Haneul's direction every few minutes. The five year old had found a group full of girls to play with and Jungkook could only roll his eyes, his son was a ladies man. Ahreum started whining because she was getting too hot so Jungkook took her out of her stroller and blowing raspberries on her chubby cheeks to get her to stop crying. Ahreum giggled and clapped her hands, earning adoring looks from the females sitting farther away from them who had been watching the father interact with his baby.

"He's attractive and good with kids!" The young woman with red hair said to the other three, "I don't see a ring either."

"It's the 21st century, Joy, you don't have to be married to have kids anymore," the blonde rolled her eyes, "but you're right about the attractive part...look at those arms."

"I wonder what he's hiding under those clothes though," the other girl said, "whoever he's with must be one lucky bitch."

"Or maybe he's a single father, Yeri!"

"Yeah fucking right, Wendy."

"Girls, he's obviously too young to have kids anyway," Joy said with an eye roll, "that baby and that boy are probably just relatives or something."

They nodded in agreement and continued staring at the raven-haired male.

After Ahreum got settled on Jungkook's lap, eveegrbinf started going well again. Until...

Haneul got stung by a wasp.

One of the older girls (she was seven or eight) had asked Haneul to pick her the prettiest flower and he gladly complied. He had found a pretty, yellow flower that would go with the girl's pretty, yellow skirt and decided to pick that one. For some reason, Haneul didn't see the big wasp on the flower as he grabbed the stem and picked it. The movement startled the wasp and it flew on his arm which startled him and made him fling his arm around.

Jungkook heard Haneul screaming and snapped his head up in the direction of the screaming. Haneul was running towards him as fast as his short legs could take him with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"DADDY, DADDY!" Haneul screamed, slowing to a stop so where he was standing between Jungkook's legs, "T-THAT BEE S-STUNG ME!"

A surge of panic coursed through the raven-haired male and he quickly placed Ahreum back into her stroller.

"Where at?!" He asked and Haneul pointed to his arm. There was a red circle around the sting and instant swelling.

Jungkook's mouth fell agape and he had no idea what to do. He's never been stung by a bee (that he could remember) so he wasn't sure if this was an allergic reaction or a regular reaction.

Not knowing what the hell to do, Jungkook grabbed an ice pack that he was using to keep Haneul, Ahreum and his drinks cold and pressed it to his arm. It didn't seem that Haneul was having an allergic reaction so that calmed his nerves a bit plus Taehyung had told him not to freak out when he did have allergic reactions so he tried to remain physically calm.

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