Dear Rereaders

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Dear rereaders,

Stop spoiling my book.

It's honestly so annoying seeing rereaders spoiling my work. This book isn't the best and I'm not proud of it but I still worked hard on this book and then some of y'all have the audacity to spoil it. I can't delete every single comment because I don't reread my book 24/7 and search for every single spoiler that could possibly exist. In total there are 77.8K comments and roughly 500-2K comments per chapter. I'm not going through all of those comments to find rereaders and delete their comments and even if I did, I would be deleting A LOT of comments.

Just stop please??

Like it's cool you're a rereader. I'm glad you love this book so much that you're willing to reread it again! Thanks it means a lot, honestly. But you don't have to spoil it for everyone else. It's annoying for new readers and kind of rude to me. You didn't write this book and by spoiling it, it's disrespectful to my work and you make it less enjoyable for new readers.

One of the best things about wattpad is the interaction between the readers and the book. Reading comments and commenting is great and it's fun, people find friends in the comment section, people have debates, authors get feedback etc — it's a great feature. I want my readers to comment their thoughts and feelings. But I don't want my new readers getting ready to comment or read comments only to have the book spoiled for them. If they want spoilers, then they can do it themselves without comments.

So once again, rereaders just stop spoiling my book please.

Thank you.

~ supermochii 😗✌🏽

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