Chapter Two

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"H-Hoseok are you sure?" Taehyung asked, frowning at his best friend as he hauled the Taehyung's bags into Taehyung's car. Hoseok turned around and gave flashed Taehyung his famous heart smile. That was enough to tell Taehyung that the older male was sure of his decisions and just helped him with the bags.

Taehyung was moving out of their apartment. He had waited to take Hoseok up on his offer until after rent was due so he could use Jungkook's money for what Jungkook wanted him to use it for and then started packing his clothes. Hoseok didn't live far from the place he worked or his college which was good so he would still be on his regular schedule. Since Hoseok no longer went to school and worked as a lawyer, he decided to let Taehyung live with him so he wouldn't have to be stressed with the apartment bills, school, work and pregnancy.

They have been friends for years. Hoseok has been with Taehyung through his closeted times, breakups with girlfriends and boyfriends, fights with Jungkook, fights with parents, post-college and university stress. Basically everything. So it's not surprising to the younger male that Hoseok was letting him live with him to make life less stressful, still Taehyung didn't want to be a burden.

"Come on, Fluff." Hoseok motioned for to Taehyung's car. 'Fluff' was a nickname Hoseok gave Taehyung back in middle school because of these ridiculous sweaters he use to wear after school because they were "comfortable". The nickname stuck with all the way till now.

"I'm following you right?" Taehyung asked, looking up at his apartment one last time. The landlord said if he didn't take everything with him that they were throwing the rest away, so he decided to leave the furniture.

"Yeah I was thinking about stopping by the store and get fatty foods but I have enough at home, so let's go." Hoseok was already getting in his own car as he spoke.

Taehyung nodded and reached for the door to close it. He looked around one more time before slowly closing the door. His heart start aching as he walked down the steps towards his car. Tears gathered up in his eyes again as he hopped in his car. This was the first place he and Jungkook bought with their own money to live in together. This was the first place they actually were able to call their own, even if it's not much it still meant everything to him. When he moved out, he was wanting to move out with Jungkook to start a real life in a house. He never wanted it to be like this.

He gave Hoseok a thumbs up even though he were running down his face as he did so. Hoseok didn't see them and he just nodded before pulling out of the driveway and Taehyung did so behind him.

Where would Jungkook stay?

Yeah Jungkook had friends, the only ones Taehyung knew about were Lisa, Yugyeom, Jimin and Namjoon unless he had more. Of course he had more, but those were the only ones Taehyung knew. Taehyung himself didn't have a whole lot of friends unless you considered Jungkook's close friends his friends, they only other friends he had besides Hoseok were Seokjin and Yoongi. He had no girl friends either. Lisa didn't really like him.

During that month after Jungkook left he didn't call or text. He showed no sign of coming back. Taehyung had called his college just to make sure he was still going and thankfully he still was. No matter how bad the blonde wanted to go to Jungkook's college just to see him, he didn't. If Jungkook didn't want to be around him then Taehyung didn't want to make a fool of himself. Even if it hurt him.

But he couldn't help but think that maybe this was the best. Jungkook didn't even stay to have mature conversation about the sudden and massive change in their lives, he just jumped up and left. Then came back in the middle of the night, packed his stuff and left without a word to Taehyung. If he was going to handle this situation so immaturely then maybe he wasn't ready to be a father. Taehyung decided that that was the reason and just left it at that, he didn't want to think about it any further. He himself wasn't even ready for such a responsibility. But he was going to try.

"Welcome to my humble abode, please don't step on my cat or my dog." Hoseok said, his heart smile appearing again.

"What if I don't see them?" Taehyung joked.

"'ll get bitten and that would suck ass." Hoseok said with a serious face, "and my pets haven't had their shots yet."

"Well I guess I'll have to pay attention then."

"That's a smart idea."

Hoseok guided Taehyung to his knew room, he had a large, two leveled house with three bedrooms and two baths and lived alone so letting Taehyung stay wasn't going to be a burden or a hassle to him. Taehyung's room was spacious with simple colors. There was a bay window on the opposite wall and a two doors that opened up to a large closet. There was a desk and a chair right beside the closet with a standing lamp. The bed was large with a bunch of pillows and had a night stand on one side and bedside table on the other side with a smaller lamp. There were two other windows above the bed on each side that were covered by the shades so the bay window provided the only light.

 There were two other windows above the bed on each side that were covered by the shades so the bay window provided the only light

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"Wow." Taehyung said in awe.

"You can move things around, if you don't want anything in here then there's an attic or the other room which is right across from mine that you can put it in. It's considered the junky room." Hoseok said, "I'll see you when it's time to eat, I have to go work on this case right now."

Taehyung nodded and sat his bags down before closing the door after Hoseok left. He looked around again before sitting down on the bed, pushed the pillows to the floor and lied down. Jungkook probably wasn't even worried about him. He was probably having fun with one of his friends, not caring that he just completely abandoned his pregnant boyfriend. Ex boyfriend. Sure Taehyung has had many exes in his life but he never thought be would have to label Jungkook as an ex too. Over this reason at that.

'Come Taehyung stop sulking and start studying' Taehyung told himself as he reached for his backpack. He turned on his Bluetooth speaker and started playing his studying playlist before taking a text book and notebook out of his backpack and flipping to the last page he was reading. He couldn't let Jungkook be the reason his grades go down, he wasn't going to let his grades go down.

Like he said in the car, maybe Jungkook leaving was for the best. He'd be able to provide the baby with it's need better without Jungkook than with him.


Word Count: 1200

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