Chapter Eight

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"That man was your teacher?" Taehyung asked as he squirted shampoo on to the palm of his hand. His heart was still beating fast from seeing Jungkook at Taco Bell, there was no way he was going to talk to that man and he wanted Haneul to have nothing to with him either. He knew it was little selfish of him to keep Haneul from his own father but Haneul was his child, he didn't even put Jungkook's name on the birth certificate. He had full control over who Haneul could so and who he couldn't. Taehyung didn't want Jungkook in his or Haneul's life anymore. They were fine without him and he knew they'd be fine in the future.

Haneul nodded as Taehyung started rubbing the shampoo in his hair.

"You're moving schools." Taehyung said with his stern mother voice. Haneul gasped and looked up with puppy eyes, "no momma! I don't wanna move."

"Well you are." Taehyung said as he pushed Haneul's head back down so he could wash the shampoo out of his hair. Taehyung didn't mean to sound so harsh towards his four year old but he was tired and his nerves were a wreck from earlier. So when Haneul started to cry loudly he stood up and walked out of the bathroom to refrain from yelling at him.

Taehyung walked into the hallway and pressed his bare back against the wall. He breathed in and out to calm himself but with Haneul's loud crying and his own emotions getting the best of him he couldn't help but break down too. He didn't know why he was crying but he was sure it had something to do with seeing Jungkook after five long years and seeing him with someone else. Seeing him happy with someone else while he had to take care of a child all by himself. A child that was basically the splitting image of Jeon Jungkook. It was heartbreaking.

"Mommy." Haneul said. His voice was high pitched from crying. Taehyung shut his eyes tight as more tears fell. It was like seeing Jungkook for the first time in five years made all the memories that Taehyung tried to bury deep in mind push back out into the open. They were so happy together and if Taehyung hadn't gotten pregnant then they'd still be together. He wasn't blaming Haneul, hell no. It definitely wasn't his baby's fault that they weren't together anymore.

"Mommy." Haneul yelled again, pulling Taehyung out of his thoughts. The blonde wiped his eyes with the back of his hand before standing up and taking a shaky breath. He couldn't let this affect him, he had to continue doing what he's been doing for the past five years and that's being a loving and caring mother/father for his child and working hard so he could give his child the best life that he could possibly give.

Jungkook wasn't in the picture and Taehyung didn't want Jungkook in the picture.

"There's no need crying about it." Taehyung whispered to himself, "that's just wasting tears."

"Mommy! Did you leave?" Haneul yelled and Taehyung quickly walked back into the bathroom. He grabbed Haneul's Patrick the Star towel and the five year old quickly stood up, snuffling loudly.

"I-I'm sorry." Haneul said and Taehyung shook his head, "you're fine baby, mommy is just upset about something else."

"Y-you want a-a hug?"

A smile cracked on the blonde's face and he nodded. He didn't even care that Haneul was completely dried off, he wasn't wearing a shirt anyway so it didn't matter.

"I can beat them up." Haneul said after their hug.

"Beat who up?" Taehyung asked, his mood slightly lifting at Haneul's failed attempt at pulling a tough facial expression.

"Whoever made you upset, I can beat them up."

Taehyung chuckled as he walked into Haneul's room, "really now? How can you beat them up, what if they beat you up?"

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