Chapter Nineteen

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"Hey, Jimin can you watch Hannie right quick while i go buy groceries?"

"Yeah sure, see you later."


Jimin was in one of those moods where he didn't want to be disturbed. But Haneul was screaming in the older male's ear saying that he wanted daddy which was only making Jimin's mood worse. Jimin tried ignoring him by reading his magazine but Haneul only screamed louder.

"Haneul if you don't shut up," Jimin warned.


Jimin raised his hand and slapped it against the little boy's cheek. The force he used caused Haneul's side to slam into the coffee table earning a choked sob to make its way out of his throat. Haneul fell on the ground and placed one hand to his face and the other to his side and started crying.

"Haneul shut up i didn't even hit you that hard," Jimin said though his voice wavered. He was scared that a bruise might appear on his side or cheek and that Jungkook would notice. He bit his lip and slowly sat the magazine on the table before sitting up the best his three-month belly would allow him too. He grabbed Haneul's arms, pulled him up and slowly lifted up the five year old's shirt on the side the table hit.

Sure enough, a rather large and noticeable bruise was forming on Haneul's milky skin.

"You ran into the table," Jimin said, "you were running around and you ran into the table."

"That's a lie—"

"Shut up and just say you ran into the table, okay?"

"But it's not—"

Jimin grabbed Haneul's arms rather roughly and shook the boy just a bit, "if. Anyone asks. Say. You. Ran. Into. The. Table. Do you understand, Haneul?"

Luckily tonight Jungkook didn't have to give Haneul a bath since he was going back to Taehyung and Jungkook didn't notice the bruise on his son's side and Jimin had covered up the red markings on the five year old's face with makeup that surprisingly matched the five year old's skin tone. Haneul didn't say anything about today's earlier events because Jungkook didn't ask much to Jimin's relief.

The wicked thing about this was that Jimin wasn't really sorry for what he did. He didn't feel any regret or guilt. For some strange and almost scary reason, Jimin felt the complete opposite of all those and deep down he hoped that, maybe, Haneul wouldn't want to come back, as crazy and wicked as that sounds. Haneul's been taking Jungkook's time away from Jimin and Jimin wasn't really appreciating it

Taehyung didn't notice it either and Haneul didn't say anything and much to Jimin's dismay, Haneul showed back up the next weekend.

Jimin was not a child abuser. He never once thought about laying his hands on someone so small and innocent. He just simply wanted Haneul out of his and Jungkook's lives. It didn't make sense really, making a kid hate going over his other parent's house just because you're mad about the time being taken away from you. But it was what Jimin thought was best if he couldn't talk Jungkook into stop seeing Haneul which he decided to make Haneul stop wanting to come over. When Taehyung asked about a certain bruise that appeared on his son's body then Jimin would quickly tell Jungkook some made up excuse and Haneul backed it up even though he knew it was a lie.

Haneul was scared that his mommy wouldn't let him see his daddy anymore if he told him the truth.

It was easy being mean to Haneul, all Jimin had to do was blame it on the mood swings. Though Jungkook normally took Haneul away from Jimin when he was in a bad mood. If Jimin couldn't physically harm the boy then he simply said mean things to him. It didn't seem to work or affect the boy the way Jimin wanted it to but Jimin didn't really see the big picture.

Taehyung noticed Haneul's change of behaviour a week before Christmas break. It wasn't something that could be easily explained its just that Taehyung noticed how his once bouncy and vibrant son was now quiet and dull-ish. Taehyung noticed when he asked Haneul about his time with Jungkook, how the five year old wouldn't look him in the eyes when he explained what he did.

Haneul smiled less and flinched more.

Taehyung has had enough of it.

"He's not going back, you can take me to court but i don't care anymore. Haneul. Is not. Going back."

"What the—" he heard Jungkook move around on the other line before he came back and asked, "what do you mean he can't come back?"

"I don't know what you've been doing to him and i don't want to know. But whatever the hell is happening isn't going to happen anymore." He took a shaky breath, "enjoy your life with your family but Haneul isn't going to be part of it."

Haneul heard what Taehyung had said and he couldn't help but think that it was his fault that his mommy was mad at his daddy. Part of him didn't want Taehyung to stop letting him see Jungkook but the other part was glad that he didn't have to see Jimin anymore.

But all of him was sad.

He just his mommy and his daddy. Not his mommy, daddy and Jimin.

But Haneul didn't know how to explain it. Explain to Taehyung what he truly wanted. He didn't know having two parents that don't love each other anymore would be this hard and he envied the kids who had parents that still loved each other. He envied Jaesung for not caring about his parents not being together and that Hobi was with his dad. He wished that Hobi could he with his mommy because for a while before Jungkook even came into the picture, he looked at Hobi as another parent but now Hobi is with someone else and now he can't see his daddy.

As much as Haneul loved seeing and being with Taehyung, he also wanted to see and be with Jungkook.

Haneul pouted and wiped his teary eyes with his chubby hands. He didn't know how to explain to Taehyung what he wanted so, for now, he'd just have to accept the situation at hand and be a big boy. He had to be tough right now because his mommy was crying and there are only two people in the apartment so if one person cries then the other has to be the big boy and fight away all the mean things.

Haneul dragged his hands down his face before waddling into the kitchen and hugging Taehyung's legs.

"Its okay mommy, i told you that I'd beat them all up,"


Word Count: 1139

What even was this?

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