Chapter Forty

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Finally, the day had arrived. Friday

The day Jungkook decided to take Taehyung on a date.

Much to Taehyung's surprise, he wasn't as nervous as he thought he'd be. He was far more nervous during the week and now that Friday had finally arrived he no longer felt as nervous. He knew that his nerves would eventually kick in and decided to just stay as chill as possible before they did.

Currently, Taehyung was sitting in his kitchen with a SlimJim hanging in his mouth and calling Hoseok to ask if he could babysit. Haneul was taking a nap on a couch, his snoring could be heard all the way in the kitchen.

"Wassup, Taebear?" Hoseok answered after three rings.

"Can you do me a favour?" Taehyung asked.

"Depends...did you kill someone?"

"What? No!"

"Ah, okay then, what'dya want me to do?"

"Can you watch Haneul tonight?"

Hoseok gasped, "of course! I haven't seen my munchkin in a while! But may i ask why?"

Taehyung contemplated on telling Hoseok the truth or making up a lie but eventually decided to just come clean. If he lied, Hoseok would've known since his second profession is the act of lying.

"Don't burn your biscuits or anything..." Taehyung started, "but I have a date—"


"With Jungkook."

The other line went silent and Taehyung had to check and make sure that Hoseok hadn't hung up on him. He didn't which told him that Hoseok was having a problem registering his words.


"The only Jungkook that I know."

"My biscuits are more than burned..."

Taehyung rolled his eyes and reached for another SlimJim, they belonged to Haneul but he brought them so technically they belonged to him, "so you'll watch Haneul right?"

"Jeon Jungkook?" Hoseok asked, still confused.

"Yes, Jeon Jungkook."

Hoseok inhaled and Taehyung tensed, bracing himself for the lecture but to his surprise, Hoseok breathed out, "detailsss."

"What do you—"

"Who asked who? When? Where? Why? How? Reactions? Does Hannie know? Did you tell anyone else besides me? Why didn't you tell me earlier? Can i have his phone number?"

"Why do you want his phone number...?"

"So I can have it for when he makes you mad so i can cuss him out. Every single time and i'm pretty sure he's going to make you mad very often."

Taehyung pursed his lips and shook his head even though Hoseok couldn't see him, "i'm not giving you his phone number."

"That's cool, ill eventually get it. Namjoon is friends with him so I'll get it that way."

"Hoseok why are you a lawyer? You should be a detective."

"I like arguing and causing a scene."

"Makes sense," Taehyung stood up from his stool and peeked in the living room. Haneul's leg was dangling off the edge of the couch and his Squidward plush was hanging dangerously close the edge.

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