Chapter Fourteen

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"Hannie~ I need to talk to you." Taehyung sang as he walked into Haneul's room. The five year old was lying on his stomach in his Squidward onesie while coloring in his coloring book. He looked up when Taehyung walked in and smiled, "you wanna talk about colors? My favorite color is purple!"

"I like purple too but no I don't wanna talk about that." Taehyung said. He sat down on the floor and pulled one of Haneul's coloring books out of it's pile. He flipped to a random page and grabbed a crayon to start coloring.

"Then what do you wanna talk about, mommy?" Haneul asked, looking at Taehyung's picture. He nodded in approval before going back to his.

"Remember last night when I asked if you want to see your other parent?"

He nodded so Taehyung continued, "you said no, right?" He received another nod, "what would you do if i said that you're going to go stay with your other dad for two whole days, would you be mad?"

Haneul looked up at him, "do I have to live with him?"


"So it's like when we go visit Mawmaw and Gramps or have sleep overs with Kiwonie?"

Taehyung thought for a second before nodding, "something like that, yeah."

He never understood how a five year old could summon things up so much easier than he can. When he tries he always ends up confusing himself.

"Why can't he come spend the night here?"

"Because he has his own house that he wants you to see but if you don't like it there then you don't have to stay."

Haneul thought for a second, "do I have to call him dad?"

"If you want to."

They colored in silence for a few more minutes before Haneul asked, "is he gonna buy my ice cream?"

"I don't know, bub." Taehyung smiled at him.

He honestly didn't want Haneul to be anywhere near Jungkook. He didn't care if he was being selfish, he's taken care and raised Haneul alone for five years, which the help of Hoseok and his parents of course, but most of it's he's done alone and he felt like he's done a pretty good job. He didn't understand why Jungkook just wanted disrupt their lives.

Taehyung sighed and reached over and rubbed Haneul's head. Haneul looked at and smiled, "what's wrong mommy?"

"Remember your old teacher? The one at Bright Minds?"

He nodded, "MisterSir? Yeah I don't remember his name but he didn't mind so I called him MisterSir."

Taehyung nodded, "he looked like you didn't he?" Haneul nodded and went back to coloring, "what would you do if i told you that's who you're going to be staying with for two days?"

Haneul's eyes widened, "I'm staying with MisterSir? MisterSir is my dad?! He gave me sour gummy snacks when I went there, if he still has those sour gummy snacks then I'm excited!"

Taehyung laughed, "well let's hope he has them then."

"Mhm, mommy you need to finish coloring your picture."

Taehyung ignored Haneul and cupped his chin so he could look him again, "so you're okay with going to stay with your other parent, w-with your other dad, for two days?"

"Mhm, as long as I can come back and eat ice cream."

____ ____ ____ ____

"My daddy hates my mommy." Jaesung said as he shoved a whole cookie in his mouth, "but he let's me see her once a week."


"Why what?"

"Why does he hate your mommy?"

Jaesung shrugged as he reached across the table and took a cookie off of a girl's plate.

"Hey! That's mine!" She whined.

"Didn't your mommy teach you that giving is better than receiving?" Jaesung shot her a glare before licking the cookie, "you want it back?"

She pouted and shook her head.

"Suits you." Jaesung shrugged and stuffed the sweet in his mouth, "are you gonna eat that?" He pointed at Haneul's cookie.

"Don't touch my cookie." Haneul swatted his hand away, "anyway, what do you do when you go see your mommy?"

"What do you mean? We just....I don't know, she took me to the park, I got to meet her boyfriend. He's ugly. What do you think your dad is gonna do when you meet him for the first time?"

"Well it's not really the first time." Haneul shrugged and swatted Jaesung's hand away from his cookie, "he was my teacher at my old school."

"Ewe that's weird."

"How is that weird?"

Jaesung shrugged again, "are you sure you're not gonna eat that cookie?"

"Jaesung pay attention! This is sherious!"

"How can I pay attention when there's an uneaten cookie sitting right in front of me?!" Jaesung said and threw his head back, "I feel attacked!"

"Ugh." Haneul rolled his eyes and shoved his cookie in Jaesung's mouth. Jaesung hummed in satisfaction before sitting his chin in his hands, "so why are your mommy and daddy not together?"

Haneul shrugged, "I didn't ask that..."

"Oh, mine aren't together because they fight a lot." Jaesung reached over and grabbed another cookie of a kid's plate, "honestly why do they just leave their cookies out in the open, aren't they aware of cookie thieves around here?"

"As in you?"

"I'm simply saving these cookies from being by the thieves."

Haneul frowned at him but shrugged. He didn't want to tell Jaesung that he was scared to go stay with his dad because Jaesung might make fun of him. Jaesung was always open with his judgement anyway.

The reason Haneul was scared was because he didn't know his other parent that well. He didn't even know his name and only knew him by MisterSir. Haneul was use to just his mommy and the thought of spending two days and one night away from him terrified the five year old. Sure he's spent the night at Hobi's house or his Mawmaw and Gramps' house or Kiwon's house but he knew them. He didn't know his other parent so he didn't know what it was going to be like at his house.

But this was his other dad and Haneul didn't want to hurt his feelings by not staying with him.

Judging from how MisterSir was when he went to Bright Minds Elementary School, Haneul assumed that he might be nice. And if he has those sour gummies and gives him ice cream then Haneul might warm up to him.

'I'll just give it a try' Haneul thought as he took a bite into his star shaped ham and cheese sandwich, 'mommy said if I don't like it then I don't have to stay anyway'


Word Count: 1115

Oof I promise the next chapter will be better, less rushed and more exciting 🤗💙

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