There's no way im gonna feel sorry for a vampire

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"Y/n hurry up, we need to leave, NOW!" Jacob shouts impatiently

I roll my eyes. "Shut up, Jacob. You're NEVER this eager to leave places. Its only when Bella is involved"

We walked out the door and I inhaled the fresh scent of morning. It was calm, the waves crashed against the sand.

"Hop on" Jacob said already on his motorcycle

I got on behind him and he reeved the engine and drove off.

It wasn't going to take long getting to Bella's school, it shouldn't.

I hugged Jacob's waste and remembered when I first got off the plane. Jacob felt hot to my skin and I almost wanted to jump in a lake to cool off. Jacob's temperature now is normal to me.

We pulled into the school. Students bided their time, talking and laughing by their cars. Jacob pulled in infront of the entrance, got off the bike, and stood there.

I also got off the bike. I wanted to scoff at the way Jacob flexed his muscles while his arms are crossed. A couple of girls took notice of him and twirled their hair. Jacob didn't notice.

Boys sometimes looked at me but I looked back. Glaring into their soul made them look away.

Jacob and I took notice of the large school. Jacob's back was turned and I looked for Edward's nice car. I finally saw it. It looked like he was trying to talk Bella out of something.

He got out of the car and walked towards Jacob and I. Bella got out after and pulled her hood up.

"Of course not" Edward sighed

Jacob turned and saw Bella and Edward. He had a poker face and started walking towards them. I followed behind him and told myself I'd stay quiet.

"Hey!" Bella said when we reached them

"Charlie said you left town" Jacob said, still holding his poker face

" visit my mom, why?" Bella asked

Edward smiled a bit smug but he was looking away. "He's checking to see if you're still human"

Bella glanced at me before going back to Jacob.

Jacob looked up at Edward, if glares could kill, this one could.

"I'm here to warn you" Jacob started with a low venomous voice.  "If your kind come on our land again-"

Bella looked at Jacob confused. "Wait what?"

Jacob looked at Edward. "You didn't tell her?" I glanced at Edward then at Bella

"Just leave her alone, Jacob" Edward said, his smug mood gone

Bella turned to Edward with a demanding expression. "Tell me what?"

"Emmett and Y/n had a misunderstanding, its nothing to worry about." Edward said icily.

Bella had a shocked expression.

I glared at the bloodsucker. Nothing to worry about!? Jacob also seemed a bit pissed.

Jacob, mad before but even angrier now whipped his head to Edward.

"Listen to you, did you lie to get her out of town too?" Jacob growled

Edward stepped closer to Jacob and got into his face. "Just"

I stepped closer to Jacob, my body shaking.

"Calm Y/n" Jacob said while never glancing away from Edward.

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