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Seth's POV

I closed my eyes when yet another scream came from the small red house. The pack, Billy, my mom and I waited outside to hear from Carlisle. Jacob and Sam were inside with him to make sure the doctor didn't try anything. I'm not quite sure why since we trust the Cullens now. Well, "we" being me. Although I couldn't see why the others were so weary of them, because if they really wanted to do us any harm, (Y/N) would be in worse condition than she is now...

I shudder, a feeling foreign to me since I never get cold. Just the thought of losing her...I could never bear it.

Suddenly, I felt a large hand encompass my shoulder and jump slightly, only to realize it was Jared. His expression was hard, but his eyes were full of empathy. Of course he would understand my pain; he had an imprint of his own. "She'll be fine, kid. If anyone in this pack has grit, it's (Y/N), as much as I may hate to admit."

I try to smile but it comes out lopsided, so I turn away from Jared, the fear and helplessness gripping my insides. Once again, another shrill sound of pain breaks the air, only this time it's weaker, as if she had exhausted her strength to even muster a yell. This is too difficult...I can't stand it. I NEED to see her...

Just as the thought crosses my mind, Carlisle along with Sam and Jacob come out of the house. My head jerks up and my body moves on its own, walking towards them. "Is she alright? Will she be okay? Please tell me she's alright..." the words fly out of my mouth and my voice shakes. From the corner of my eye, I can see a gentle expression on Sam's face, and he pats me on the back in reassurance.

"I've done all I can," I hear Carlisle speak softly. "I've given her some morphine, but her body temperature will burn it off soon." He's about to walk towards his car when Billy extends his hand. If it was any other day, I would have reacted like the rest of the pack in shock that Billy would shake a vampire's hand, but my mind was occupied with seeing my imprint.

After the handshake, Carlisle shifted his gaze to me and gestured towards the house. "She was asking for you."

Without knowing how, my legs were moving on their own in long strides inside the house until I came up to (Y/N)'s small closet sized room. The door was cracked slightly, enough that I could peer inside. My imprint laid in bed, the blanket only covered her legs and a portion of her torso. Bandages were wrapped around her arms, chest, and possibly other places that were blocked from view. (Y/N) was practically drenched in sweat, beads of the moisture lining her forehead. My heart ached seeing her in so much pain, I could almost feel the feelings and sensations she felt.

(Y/N)'s POV

Well, I sure as heck didn't plan for that to happen.

There I was, unscathed and bursting with pride, ready to rub it in Sam's face that the red head and her partner were no match for Seth and I. Sure Edward had a hand in it, but we helped plenty too.

And then Leah had to go and get herself in a mix, and my sorry hide almost became vampire chow. Not that I'd taste good, but who knows, right?

It hurt a lot, really bad actually. It was all I could do to not pass out on the spot, and even my body could hardly handle it, seeing as I transformed back into a human without really meaning to. Despite the terrible pain, I found myself in that moment worried for Seth. Worried that maybe there was a second wave of newborns emerging from the trees, more than what there were before. That he'd be distracted by me to the point where he couldn't pay his full attention to the fight.

But his voice, his presence when I had turned to my human form reassured me completely.

But now, back at my house, without his presence here, pain was the only thing I could focus on. Carlisle, being the doctor he was, remarked that my bones had indeed mended themselves thanks to my werewolf healing, but they had healed wrong, no thanks to them. Which meant he had to rebreak all my bones and reset them. Let me tell you, the morphine didn't do crap. Sam and Jacob were in the room too, well, partly, seeing that it was tiny and could barely fit me, let alone 3 other people. I wasn't sure if they were there to see that Carlisle didn't do me harm, or to make sure I didn't lose it and phase. Probably both.

The minutes dragged on but finally the setting was finished. I felt grateful to Carlisle, but I couldn't thank him in fear that I'd let loose a few cuss words in the middle of my sentences. However, a simple thank you could he done, right? So I opened my mouth, but the word that came out left me surprised. "Seth."

My mouth pressed into a thin line, apologetic, and I was about to try again but Carlisle only smiled at me. "I understand. I'll let him know you're asking for him." I hoped he could see the gratitude in my expression.

And now I wait, staring up at my bland white ceiling. A dull ache in my body thumped in sync with my heartbeat and I gritted my teeth. It was going to be a long night...

Then, I heard my door creak open and snapped my eyes toward it, instantly feeling the pain dissipate as his scent filled my nose. My heart thudded faster and suddenly, it was as if I was on cloud 9. I love this imprinting thing.

"Y/N," Seth breathed and crossed my room in one stride, kneeling next to my bed and extending his hand towards me. He froze, and then dropped it, letting it rest on my blanket. I looked at him curiously as he let out a sheepish smile. "I don't wanna hurt you. I'm sure you wouldn't want the doc to come back and reset your bones again.."

I squint at him, and find myself scanning his face and arms. "Did any other vampires come back while I was out?" My voice was hoarse and I winced at the sound of it. Seth didn't seem bothered at all and smiled.
"No, not to us anyway. I'll have you know, Y/N, I won't let you out of my sight for a while. You really scared me back there.."

His brows were creased and I frowned. He must have been stressed out of his mind. I thought about how I would have felt if I was in his shoes, and an involuntary shudder went through my body, causing me to flinch. Stupid bones.

"I'm not going to intentionally look for trouble, y'know," I reply evenly, but my expression is soft. "I only got hurt because when I was trying to get the leech off of Leah, I had to jump weird to avoid hitting her, and I lost my footing." I could tell by his face that my explanation wasn't helping, and I sigh. "But okay. I wouldn't mind being around you more."

A small grin etched itself onto his face and he tentatively placed his hand on my arm. I did not wince. "Just promise you won't go leaping without thinking first?"

I smile back. "I promise."

Woo first chapter back. This was actually already predrafted but I revised and added things to it.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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