...Well Isn't this peachy?

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((Sorry for the long wait, I rewatched the movies to remember a couple of things and got my head back into the game))

I only wanted to see if Leah was alright. I knew she wasn't fond of Bella. Once I checked, I decided to go to the house.

I phased back, got clothes on, and grabbed a cookie. Mm...delicious.

I demolished my cookie quickly, thats when I heard Jacob and Bella so I walked outside.

"So when did Leah and Y/n join the pack?" I heard Bella ask

They didn't see me so I watched to see what Jacob said.

"Y/n fazed around when she came here. It surprised us all, really. Leah did around when her dad died. Her brother Seth also phased"

I watched quietly as Jacob rolled his bike down to the shop as Bella, hands in her jacket pockets, followed.

"He's only 15, one of the youngest we've had, including Y/n."

Jacob paused a minute. "I wish Leah would stay home"

This sparked my attention.

Bella turned to Jacob. "Come on, don't be such a guy"

It took everything I had not to chuckle and blow my cover. I knew Jacob was going to the shop so I'd just wait to make my appearance when he gets in there.

"No its...not a chick thing...its uh, a triangle thing. We all have to live the Leah, Sam, Emily pain fest."

I nodded to myself. It was true. Leah was hurting over the fact that Sam dumped her, but sometimes it made us all uncomfortable.

"Wolf telepathy, remember?" Jacob finished

"So Sam dumped Leah for Emily?" Bella asked with a bit of shock in her tone

"Yeah, it wasn't like THAT. Sam hates himself for hurting Leah...but Emily was the one."

Bella smiled a little. "Yeah, I guess it chooses you sometimes"

I squinted at that. Jacob never told Bella about imprinting?

"Its more than some crush Bella. Sam imprinted on Emily."

I decided it was time to show myself.

"Whats up?" I say while pouncing on my brother

"Y/n you're going to pay for my bike if I drop it" Jacob deadpanned

I get off him and eye Bella. She was looking at me curiously.

"Erm...Hi Bella" I say awkwardly

"Hey" Bella replies

I swallowed. "Sorry for what happened. Leah is...-"

"No no its fine." Bella cuts me off

She turns to Jacob. "Do I want to know what that is?"

I was confused until i realized she was talking about the imprinting thing.

After walking into the shop I lean against a post, Bella leans against a bike, and Jacob does the same.

Jacob looks at her, I could tell her was thinking of how to tell her.

"Imprinting on someone...is like...when you see her. Everything changes. All the sudden its not gravity holding you to the planet...its her. Nothing else matters." Jacob took a deep breath. "You would do anything...be anything for her."

I shifted my weight on my other leg. The air was a little tense and it made me a small bit uncomfortable.

"Sounds like you know the feeling." Bella said

I scoff inside my head.

"Have you...imprinted on someone?" Bella asked

Jacob looked uncomfortable and looked the other way, his expression hardening the tiniest bit.

"You'd know if I had" Jacob replied "I just have a direct line to Sam's and Y/n's thoughts."

Bella turned to me surprised. "You imprinted?"

I nod slightly. "Seth" I say quietly

Bella blinked and I could tell she was more surprised before turning back to Jacob who was looking at her thoughtfully.

"So for now you're...still you?" Bella asked, once again it felt like I wasn't there.

Jacob's face softens. "And you're still you"

I could feel an uncomfortable aura around Bella which made me look at her with narrowed eyes.

"Yeah....until graduation"

My mind exploded. HOLD UP. To become a bloodsucker???

Jacob looked up at Bella with a surprised and hardend face.


Bella wouldn't meet my brother's gaze. The tension thickened and I got majorly nervous.

"You knew this was going to happen" Bella said

Jacob was mad. I could tell.

"Not in a month!"

Jacob was breathing heavily.

"I mean not before you've...even lived" Jacob spoke through clenched teeth

"Or before I could..."

Jacob threw the wrench he held which made Bella jump and I growled out.

Jacob started to pace angrily.

"For a second. Just a second I thought. But he's got his hooks in you so deep" ((I thought wrong I'm sorry 😏😫))

"I decided this, not him" Bella said while looking Jake in the eye.

The anger in the room was real. Jacob was shaking a bit.

"Bella, they're not even alive! It makes me sick" Jacob spat venomously

I didn't think he would say what he said next.

"Better you be dead than one of them."

Bella looked at him with shock and hurt. I looked at Jacob with an expression of shock. No, he didn't mean that, the wolf got to him was all.

Jacob leaned against his bike, struggling to control himself. I took a step forward, ready to change if Jacob phased.

Bella took steps towards the door while looking at Jacob.

"Can't believe you said that"

Jacob looked at Bella with a pitiful expression.

"Edward was right I shouldn't have come." Bella said

"Bella, come on please..." Jacob was still breathing heavily but not as bad as he was.

"I'm sorry." He said with a genuine tone

I walked out the door before anything else could happen. Bella was okay, but I started to feel what Leah was feeling. This was wrong.

Bella is playing with my brother's feelings. She might not know it. Jacob is fighting for Bella, but its not worth it. Not at all. I start walking to the Clearwater's with a full mind and a changed point of view on Bella.

You're the one(Seth Clearwater x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon