Fight Practice

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The Cullen's, Bella, Jacob, Quil, Embry, and I all gathered on the deck to have peace. Apparently the pixie girl is psychic and can see the future.

"They'll be here in four days" Alice spoke up

I stood in between Quil and  Embry watching the Cullens warily.

"This could turn into a blood bath" The blonde one spoke. If I remembered correctly...Carlise?

"Who's behind it?" Edward asked

"I didn't see anyone I recognized...Maybe one" Alice spoke from next to the vampire that immediately made my blood boil. Scars were visible on his skin and my brain set off an alarm. 'Dangerous!'

"I know his face. He's a local. Riley Biers...he didn't start this" Edward said

Jacob looked confused, looking left to right.

"Whoever did is staying out of the action."

"They must be playing with the blind spots in your vision" Carlisle spoke

"Either way, the army is coming and their aren't enough of us to protect the town" The dangerous one said...Jasper I think

"Hold up" Jacob interrupted, seeming irritated "what damn army?"

"Newborns. Our kind" Carlisle answered

"What're they after?" Embry asked from beside me

"They were passing around Bella's red blouse" Alice said

"They're after Bella? What the hell does this mean?" Jacob seemed a little protective

I wanted to roll my eyes.

"It means an ugly fight, with lives lost"

Jacob turned to Embry. Embry looked at Quil and I.

Jacob was asking us if we should join the fight. I was all in if it meant killing vampires so hell yeah!

I nodded and Quil did too. Embry turned back to Jacob and nodded one sharp nod.

"Alright. We're in" Jacob said

"No. You'll get yourselves killed, no way" Bella shook her head

Her lack of faith in us insulted me to no end. "We weren't asking for permission" I spoke

"Edward." Bella looked at Edward for help

I swallowed back biting words.

"It means more protection for you" Edward answered

"They'll give us their numbers. Newborns won't even know they exist" Jasper said

"We'll need to coordinate" Carlisle said while standing

"Carlisle! They're going to get hurt!" Bella pushed while standing up as well

"We'll all need some training. Fighting newborns is knowledge that Jasper has. Will you join us?" Carlisle continued

Jacob nodded. "Alright. Give us the time and place"

"Jake. You don't know what you're getting yourself into" Bella cut in

"My brother knows exactly what he's getting into!" I bark

Bella looked at me in shock and Jacob gave me a look before turning to Bella.

"Bella, this is what we do. You should be happy. Look at us working together. You are the one who wanted us to get along remember?" Jacob said with a calm face

We left as soon as possible. Embry got into the passenger seat and Jacob drove. Quil and I got in the back. We hurried home and Jacob slammed the truck door shut.

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