Vampire 1 Wolf 0

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Seth stood next to me as we silently watched a boy, young looking, walk towards Edward and Bella. He had a cold look on his face as he stared at the two. Where was Victoria?

"Riley," Edward said cautiously as the boy neared. "Listen to me"

I tensed and untensed my muscles. Seth never moved from beside me.

"Victoria is just using you to distract me. She knows I'll kill you" Edward spoke while keeping a protective arm in front of Bella. I couldn't help but admire the two for a second.

My thoughts were quickly interrupted when a loud but soft thump was heard. Seth and I whipped our heads toward the sound. The red head crouched on a tree branch. If she heard mine and Seth's heartbeats, she didn't acknowledge it.

"In fact," Edward continued while looking at the fire haired vampire. "She'd be glad she doesn't have to deal with you anymore"

The boy, who Edward called Riley, slowed a bit.

"Don't listen to him, Riley. I told you about his mind tricks" the red head said, but she looked a bit nervous

"I can read her mind..So I know what she thinks of you."

"He's lying," Victoria spoke.

"She only created you and this army to avenge her true mate, James. It's the only thing she cares about"

Riley turned his head to his so called lover, who looked guilty and nervous. "There's only you. You know that"

Riley turned away and looked ahead again.

"Think about it. You're from Forks. You know the area. That's the only reason she chose you. She doesn't love you" Edward said while watching Riley intensely.

The tension was building up. Would Riley see how messed up the manipulating vampire is? Or would he continue to be a victim to her ongoing lies?

"Riley," Victoria said firmly. "Don't let them do this to us. You know I love you"

Riley turned his head and I could see him clenching his teeth. He looked at Edward with the same cold look as before.

Y/n cover for me Seth said while crouching


"You're dead" Riley said simply and began to lunge but Seth leaped after him.

My imprint bit at Riley's arm and tore off part of his cold ice hand. The Forks boy screeched while holding his injured arm. Victoria began to run away, so I ran in front of her. I bared my teeth and snarled.

"You won't get another chance like this again" Edward said.

Victoria slowly turned around to face him. I looked at her neck. It would be so easy to just end it right here, right now. But something inside told me that Edward would want to end her himself, and I'd let him do just that.

"You want her. You want me to feel the pain you felt when I killed James" Edward said while walking closer.

I could tell that Victoria wasn't going to run off so I decided to stay near Bella. I slowly started towards the brown haired girl and stood beside her. Bella kept her eyes on Edward.

"When I tore him to pieces.." Edward spoke as he stepped closer. "When I turned him to ash"

The red head looked angry. Whoever this James guy was must have been very special to her.

"When I turned him..into nothing"

The red head shook with anger until she finally charged towards Edward.

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