Don't you dare...

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"Do you think Jacob, Bella, and Edward are at the camp by now?" I ask Seth as we hiked up the mountain

Seth shrugged. "Maybe. Jacob did wake up early"

"That's true," I sigh. "I'm still upset about missing out on the fight"

Seth grinned and patted my back. "Hey, if the red head comes around we can give her a real injury to think about. Wolf power!"

I laugh a little. "You dork"


Snow fell in drifts from the night sky. The wind howled. Our tent shook and I almost thought it would blow away.

Besides the wind, the night was mostly peaceful...except the obnoxious chattering of teeth.

"Ugh...what the hell is that?" Jacob groaned.

Jacob, Seth, and I shared a big tent, Bella and Edward shared a smaller but none the less comfy tent.

"Bella," I grumble. "She sounds like a drill. You better go over there before her teeth fall out"

Jacob made an unamused sound and crawled out of the tent.

After a while the chattering stopped. I turn to look at Seth and see that he is still sleeping. Was he that much of a deep sleeper?

He almost looked like a baby, curled up into a little ball and snoring lightly. My heart melted.

I got back into my sleeping bag and tried to cancel out the loud wind.


"Y/n, wake up" Seth whispered while gently shaking me

I opened one eye and looked at him.

"What time is it?"

"I dunno. I didn't bring my phone" He replied

I yawn and sit up.

"Is Jacob-?"

"He's making sure the perimeter is safe" Seth cut me off and grinned

"Alright then. Should we shift now?" I ask

"Yeah. Might as well. Bella is still asleep as far as I know"

I crawl out of the tent and blink at the bright, freshly fallen snow. Had it really snowed this much last night?

Seth stood next to me and marveled at the soft snow.

"It's so weird. I would have been freezing my toes off if I hadn't been a werewolf" He said

I agreed and lightly laughed at his child like actions.

"I'm gonna go shift now. See you in a sec" I say and jog behind a cedar tree.

I rid myself of the clothes I was wearing and tie them to my ankle. Raw wolf energy and power flowed through my veins and I let the heat lick it's way up my spine.

Once I'd turned I walked back to the clearing to see Seth already in his sandy colored wolf. Bella was also emerging from her tent.

"Hi Seth...Y/n" She says quietly

Seth let out a small sound in reply. I walked closer to him and sniffed the air. The strong aroma of vampire entered my mind and I recognized the scent of Edward.

I have come to learn that vampires have their own scents, if you are careful enough to learn them, but all of them have that bitter sweet smell too.

"Where's Jacob? Did he already-?" Bella asks Edward

"Not yet. He's checking to see if the woods are clear before he goes" Edward replies while standing in front of Bella

Edward turns his head to Seth and I and I had a feeling he wanted a bit of...privacy. Seth and I turned and leaped onto a rock and behind some trees.

Man I'm starving I heard Jared complain in my head

You're starving? Seth and I haven't eaten since lunch yesterday! I huff

That's your fault Paul said irritatingly

I was about to give him a piece of my mind when someone interrupted the argument.

Is everything going well? Sam's authoritive voice asked

Pretty much. Nothings really happened. What about over there? Seth says cooly

Nothing. We're hiding behind a rock or whatever. You two didn't do anything last night, right? Leah says suspiciously

Seth yelped in surprise. WHAT? No Leah! Y/n and I didn't do anything...geez

Alright alright Leah murmured, amused

I felt Quil tense up Guys I hear them coming

Seth and I raced down to Edward and Bella. Edward looked at Seth intently.

"It's starting" Edward said

Edward then looked like he was in a far away land or something. Was he reading his family's thoughts?

I focused on Leah's thoughts and could feel her nervous excitement.

The vampires finally entered the battle field.

GO Sam commanded and my pack brothers and sister leaped into battle.

My heart was pounding with fear. Who would die in this battle? Seth touched my face with his nose to comfort me.

It's okay. Let's focus

I nod.

"Jacob just got there" Edward said and I heard Bella's breath hitch slightly.

Edward noticed this. "He's good"

Bella nodded in relief.

An alarmed whine escapes my throat when hear Quil's alarmed thoughts.

He's on me!

The blonde vampire saved him.

I blocked them out of my head. I need to focus.

I see that Edward's eyes suddenly widen.

"Someone's hurt??" Bella asks anxiously

"She's close, I can hear her thoughts" Edward says and he looks at Seth and I

"Seth, Y/n, go"

Seth and I hide and watch from above.

How is this going to play out? The red head could kill Edward, then move on Seth, or me.

"She knew we weren't there, but she caught my scent. She knew you'd be with me" Edward explained quickly

Could the red head hear mine and Seth's heart beats? If she could, I knew she wouldn't find it very appealing. Werewolf blood is poison to vampires, just as vampire venom is poison to us. One bite and we're done for.

"She found us" Bella said

Edward's expression changed into a bewildered one pretty quickly and he breathed out "She's not alone"

I felt Seth nudge my shoulder in an attempt to comfort me. So there wasn't just one vampire, but two? Three?

I focused on the scents and realized Edward was right.

We aren't alone.

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