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"That one," Hoseok said, pointing to a soldier with big round eyes, short black hair cut in a bob and small lips.

"Han Yoo-kyung?" The general asked, his brow raised and his voice sounding uncertain.

Hoseok nodded. The picture made her seem harmless, but he was sure that she was the one who groped him.

Yoongi leaned back in his chair, elbows on the arm chair and chin resting on the back of his palms.

Han Yoo-kyung. Damn. Damn. That was a huge problem.

"Jung Hoseok, I'm going to be honest with you here. Han Yoo-kyung is the daughter of General Han, in other words the man who occupied this spot before me. I need you to be entirely sure if-"

"-if you're not going to do anyhting about it just say so." Hoseok interrupted, puffing his chest out and crossing his arms. He should've known better than to think that any authorities would believe him.

They never believed him when Jin and he tried going to the police about Jimin's dad.

Min Yoongi blinked at the interruption. Did this guy have some sort of death wish? He really comes in here asking for help and then just takes it back because he thinks that he doesn't want to help?

He picked up his phone and pressed a digit, the phone automatically dialing and ringing till someone picked up. "Major Song. Bring Han Yoo-kyung to my office, now." He hung up and then looked up to the red haired candidate.

"Hide in the bathroom." He ordered.

Hoseok blinked. "What?"

"I'm going to interrogate her and it'd be best if she didn't see you. Hide in the bathroom."

He did as he was told.

After several long minutes of waiting, the soldier walked in.

When entering the bathroom, Hoseok had made sure to leave a crack in the door so he could see. He was now peeking through said crack.

He heard them talk to each other but it came out muffled. He couldn't hear much.

But he could see perfectly as the soldier literally shashayed to the other side of the general's desk and sat on the desk, oh so comfortably between the general's legs.

Hoseok didn't know why the sight was makong him sick. He was shocked to see that the general didn't react. Just stared at her boredly.

Even when she moved her hand to his thigh.

"Oh?" Han Yoo-kyung said in a surprised voice. "You want to know my opinion on the candidates I watch?"

Yoongi gave her a brief nod.

A sly smile curved at her lips, she moved to sit on the desk directly in front of him. Moving slowly, somewhat seductive.

"They're all handsome," she said gazing at her nails briefly, "very well built."

"Any one in particular that catches your eye?"

She raised her brow, looking at him suspiciously. "May I know what this is for?"

"Need another's opinion." He replied quickly, no hesitation in his voice. "I've been glancing at several of them from a far but you get a better view of them. Also I know you have a good taste in men."

She smiled at that. Yoongi wanted to puke when she placed her nasty hand on his thigh and started rubbing. Yoo-kyung had been coming on to him for a while now. He had also seen her coming on to several other soldiers, but none of them had ever filed a complaint.

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