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Before the date that he was most certainly not looking forward to, Hoseok decided to check on Jimin. There was a funny feeling at the pit of his stomach about all this and he probably wouldn't have peace till he straightened everything out.

He stopped at Jimin's door and knocked a few times. No answer. After a few minutes he just punched in the key code and peeked inside. "Jiminie?"

There was a lump under the covers, there was no doubt that the lump was no other than his dear friend, possibly moping. 

Scratch that, he was most definitely moping.

"Hoseokie," he heard Jimin mutter under the blankets, "He's mad, isn't he?" he asks, shuffling under the covers till Hoseok is able to see a lump of brown hair pop out,  "He hates me, right?"

The elder of the two sighs, sits on the bed and pats the spot where he believed Jimin's booty resides. "Jimin, maybe you should go talk to him."

"Talk to him?!" the smaller boy shouts. The blankets shift, Jimin pulls them away from his face to stare at his hyung with a look of disbelief. "Are you crazy?!" 

Hoseok just stares at the younger, eyes unreadable, "You at least owe him an explanation, Jiminie," he says softly.

"You don't get it, Hobi-hyung," Jimin sobs into the pillow, "I honestly don't know what came over me. I know that Jin-hyung likes the king, I was rooting for them. I don't know what happened. I'm not the type of person to kiss a stranger when drunk, you know that!"

Hoseok frowns. Jimin did have a point there. If anything, Jimin was the cute type of drunk who just wanted attention and simple cuddles. The drunk Jimin that he saw on TV was a whole other aspect that Hoseok had never seen before. Or was the drunk version of Jimin that he knew just a part of him that he showed him, Tae and Jin? "Regardless of that, Jimin, you need two need to talk. Right now Jin-hyung is," he pauses, trying to find the proper wording to describe how the eldest was at the moment. "He seems okay, but you can never really tell with him, you know?"

Jimin remains silent for a few minutes. After a few moments he nods, understanding. "I'll find a chance," he says softly, "eventually."

Well, that was a start. But then again, Hoseok was here not only to mend things between Jimin and Jin. He had a certain suspicion. "Jimin," he called out firmly, grabbing the other's attention, "You know you've taken Jin-hyung's spot, right?"

Jimin raises his head from the pillow, confused. "What spot?"

"As the public favorite." Jimin looks aghast. "It was on the news earlier this morning. A lot of people switched to you after your episode on The Reveal aired. You're winning by a landslide."

The smaller male blinks at that, finding it hard to believe. He stares down at his hands, a blush creeping on his face. "You mean...they really see me with the king?"

Hoseok cocks a brow at that. His suspicion rising. "Jimin," he begins, a bit worried of the answer he might receive, "what do you think about the king?"

His worry grows when he sees that the brunet actually blushes harder at the question. Jimin doesn't look at him as he speaks, "I mean, he's nice," he says slowly, "and he is good looking." His eyes lit up, he sat straight on the bed and leaned in to Hoseok, "Do people really think we look good together? What do you think?" 

The elder stares at him for a bit. Taking in Jimin's expressions, his actions, the tone in which he speaks. That weird feeling in his stomach is creeping up. Jimin looks up at him, tilts his head and asks if something's wrong, Hoseok shakes his head, "Never mind," he says. He stands from the bed, "I have to go now, but Jimin, please. Please talk to Jin-hyung, okay?"

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