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The first thing that came across Hoseok's mind when he woke up was that Min Yoongi was officially an asshole.

When doctor Song had finally made it to the office with the stretcher, the general had gone on a personal mission to remind Hoseok that this, the explosion, the collapsing palace and his own injury, was all his fault.

Hoseok obviously knew this but needed no reminders. Also he would rather bite his tongue off then to tell the General that the had been right.

It had been a day since the attack and Hoseok had just now woken up. His head didn't hurt as much as before, his body ached a bit but that didn't surprise him.

What surprised him was that the first thing he saw when he opened his eyes was the sight of the dangerous General Min Yoongi resting with his head laid on the side of the bed.

Hoseok frowned. Did the general stay the whole night with him?

"Hoseok, you're awake!"

The red haired patient jumped at Jimin's sudden voice. He turned to the door, the raven haired boy walked over immediately.

"Ah, Jiminie," he whispered, not wanting to wake up the general, "You're okay."

The small boy nodded, pulling up a chair and taking a seat. "Yeah, I managed to make to the safe room with the other candidates," he took his hand, "I was so worried when I didn't see you, Tae or Jin in the room. I kept insisting to go out and find you, but the soldiers wouldn't let me."

"Where Jin and Tae?" He asked.

"They were in the royal family's safe room."

Hoseok let that sink in, it was weird. Taehyung and Jimin were in the same wing, how did Tae end up in the royal safe room?

"Well at least everyone is safe."

Jimin nodded. "No one's willing to tell us who attacked. They're keeping us in the dark, avoiding our questions. Its all really weird."

"It was a rough soldier. The one who grabbed your butt the other day when leading us to your room."

Jimin stare at him with his mouth wide open.

The red haired male sighed, "I was gropped too. I went to the general to file a report. The soldier was interrogated, the King ordered her to be excecuted. I didn't want to see anyone die so I stopped the general from shooting her. She ran away and then began blowing up the palace."

"Hobi," the boy squeezed his hand, "that was dangerous. You could've been killed! What if you got sentenced for helping a criminal?"

Hoseok smiled, "Believe it or not, but I think the only reason I'm not in trouble is because of the grumpy general." He motioned to Yoongi with his head, "Seems like he hasn't told on me yet."

The raven haired boy raised his brows at that, "Seems like he's nicer than we thought," he added.


They talked a bit more. Jimin bringing him up to date on what he's missed while he was out. Apparently the talent show was still on, Jimin had to leave to go to practice.

Once silence took over the room again Hoseok sighed.

"He's cute," a low voice mumbled, making him jump. Hoseok look down to see Yoongi staring at him, "Seems sweet and caring. The kind perfect for marrying."

Hoseok didn't know why that comment bothered him so much. "Don't you dare lay a finger on Jiminie," he warned, "He's too fragile and pure for an asshole like you."

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