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Going to a store to buy a lock was out of the question. They were too well known, their faces were constantly plastered all over the tv from the competition. Not to mention that Namjoon was the King of Korea and Seokjin was one of Korea's top candidates to marry him.

It was decided that they would go to Seokjin's house. They'd grab mouth masks and caps to cover themselves, maybe even change their clothes to remain a bit more hidden. The car they rode probably had a tracker, so they would also switch with Seokjin's car at the house.

It was a bit weird knowing that the man inside your house at the moment was the King. Even in casual clothes, Namjoon looked so out of place standing there in his living room. His essence just screamed authority and power.

Then again, he was cooing at pictures of Seokjin in diapers.

"Stop it," Seokjin says shyly as Namjoon managed to find the family album and begins laughing as he sees awkward pictures of Seokjin with big prescription glasses and weird hair from his trip to Australia.

"You're cute," Namjoon smiles at him, his grin showing off those profound dimples.

"I know I am," Seokjin remarks, "but we didn't come here to- Yah! Stop laughing!" he shouts, ears red as Namjoon finds the naked baby pictures.

Namjoon wipes the tears from his eyes as he finally puts the album back. "Did you get everything?" he asks as he gets up from the floor.

Ears still red, Seokjin hands him a mouth mask, a black baseball cap, and some clothes. "The clothes are optional," he states, "You're dressed casual enough, but its be a shame to change since you look good today."

Smirking at the comment, Namjoon leans close to him, "Just today?" he asks teasingly. Seokjin rolls his eyes.

"Yah, focus," he says, smacking the King's arm. Namjoon just laughs.

"What about the lock?" he asks as he puts the hat on. "Shouldn't we go out and buy one?"

"No need. I've always kept one in my room," he says nonchalantly before he meets Namjoon's raised brow, Seokjin grows shy at this, "You know...just in case?" He pulls it out, showing it to him. Its a new bright pink lock with a white heart in the middle, just like the ones that school girls dream of buying.

Namjoon pinches his cheek, "You're adorable," he whispers, pecking his nose softly, "I think you have me under some sort of spell."

"You're so greasy," Seokjin replies, but not without having the blood flood to his cheeks.

The king grins widely at this, "I can be worse," he adds, teasingly, pulling Seokjin closer by the waist, "I can say that your eyes sparkle so much that they make the stars jealous. I can mention how I think about your lips at night." He smirks, "Should I continue?"

In his utter embarrassment, because he really couldn't believe that Namjoon could be any greasier, he blanked out and pinched his nipple. A habit he did from years of messing with Tae, Hobi and Jimin.

Namjoon jumped at the action, obviously shocked, but laughed nonetheless. "What was that?" he asked, the laughter not ceasing.

"Sorry," Seokjin mumbled, his face possibly the reddest it could be, "I panicked."

Luckily, Namjoon didn't judge him nor run away. Instead he just ruffled his hair and cooed at him.

Honestly, who was the older one here?

They grabbed some snacks and grabbed a backpack. On they're way out Seokjin hid the spare key of the house right where he found it.

The clothes Namjoon had changed into were simple. Loose khaki shorts a bit above the knee, a light grey tshirt, black cap, black sunglasses he took from Tae's room and brown sandles. It was a weird combination, but it made him look like a local.

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