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"You seem nervous."

He was. Namjoon hadn't felt this nervous since he was explained at a young age that he would eventually have to govern a country.

Yet it was something so simple, a date with Seokjin, just like he had with all the others. 

Yet why were his hands so sweaty?

"I don't know what he has planned," Namjoon tells Yoongi who's just chilling on his bed while his stylists does his hair, "I mean look at this!" he exclaims, signalling his clothes with his hands, "He's telling me to go casual! I've been wearing suits to all the dates, but jeans?"

His friend shrugs, "It's not like you look bad or anything."

"Still," Namjoon protests, his stylist finishing off his hair, "to go out in public like this...it's a bit much, isn't it?"

His stylist assured him that he was exaggerating. He added a few dabs of make up on his face, highlighting his strong points and adding the finishing touches before he stepped back and admired his work.

"Done. All set for your date."

Namjoon thanked him and turned to Yoongi. He needed to get his mind off the date, but it was all he was thinking about at the moment, especially with it being a few minutes away and he had no idea where they were going nor what they were going to do.

The suspense was killing him.

He found it such a shame that his first date with Seokjin after confessing to him was going public, that they couldn't act like they wanted to, couldn't touch each other freely nor openly flirt. In fact it bothered him so much that he had half a mind to-

"Distract me," Namjoon ordered, "Brief me up on anything I should know." He needed to keep his mind off of his crazy idea.

"Han Dong-il," Yoongi began, "seems to be a part of a rebellion."

The King raised his brow at that, "A rebellion?"

The general nods. "Seems like there are actual people in Korea that want to end the monarchy. They're being influenced by western governments, want to end the royal family before you officially take on your role as King."

Namjoon purses his lips together in thought. "Any clue why?"

"Ex-general Han said its because 'Korea doesn't need a gay King.'"

"They're using my sexual preferences as an excuse to say that I can't govern a damn country?"

Yoongi nods, "Pretty much. They say that you're too soft."

"Bullshit," Namjoon spats, "That's total bullshit."

"It's what they say."

The King gets back in his seat, rubbing his temples, "I've never heard of a more absurd thing in my life!"

"You'll be hearing worse once you take on your role and when you've married Kim Seokjin."

Namjoon gives him a droll stare, "Thanks bud, you're really helping me lift my spirits."

"Not my job."

There's a knock at the door, not even waiting for the King to call to them, Geong Min pokes her head in, "Hi, Oppa are you ready? They're waiting for you at the main entrance."

The King feels his heart start pounding again, he looks at Yoongi, waiting for some words of encouragement or even some gesture that told him that he could do this.

His friend only motioned to the door with his head.

Personally, he didn't know what to expect. So far, Seokjin had been unpredictable in every aspect of the word. The cooking, the jokes, the weird ability with toes, even that one moment where it looked like he was ready to beat Yoongi's ass.

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