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If you could see the look of relief upon the MC's face when he realized what Taehyung actually meant by "an elephant on his body" you probably would've laughed as hard as Seokjin, Jimin and Hoseok were.

The moment Taehyung pinched the skin between the two moles on his arms, the MC laughed in relief, while everyone else just laughed. It was adorable.

Finally catching his breath, Jae-suk calmed the audience down and turned to the royal family, who were still recovering from the whole thing.

"Any questions for the gentleman, Your Highnesses?"

Jungkook pressed on his buzzer and picked up his mic, he didn't even wait on the MC to call on him, "What's your ideal man?" he asks and the crowd starts whooping.

Taehyung frowns but doesn't speak. The MC hands him the mic. He knows the game being played here, he's got to describe the King for the audience to be satisfied. Yet Taehyung usually doesn't take things seriously anyway, "Wouldn't you like to know?" he said, giving the young prince a wink.

The prince blushed red, so hard that anyone would think he had a fever and the audience noticed it and started screaming. 

The MC took back the mic, "Oh? Could it be that the young prince is showing some interest in a candidate? Your Majesty it seems you have some competition."

Namjoon laughs and proceeds to bonk Jungkook on the back of the head for his insolence. 

Taehyung didn't give them time to ask anymore questions, he just turned on his heel and walked back down, leaving the prince to answer anything else. 

Jimin was up next. He grabbed the mic, presented himself, and awaited the questions. 

Someone in the crowd, a unfamiliar male voice started shouting his name. Jimin looked up, confused as the crowd busted out into screams again. 

The MC laughed, "You seem confused Jimin, why is that?"

Jimin held up the mic, "Uh, I guess its cause I'm confused as to why they're screaming?" he asks shyly.

The male voice begins screaming again, "Jimin-ah! You're very cool! YOU'RE! VERY! COOL!"

The crowd screams again, all of them joining in and shouting Jimin's name, Jimin has no clue where to hide, so he just crouches down laughing and hides his face.

"Don't tell me you're not aware that you have a ton of fans, Jimin?" The MC says.

Still on the ground, Jimin laughs, "I didn't know!"

The crowd starts going crazy again. The MC signals for them to calm down.

"Jimin, you're actually very cute, it seems that our audience thought you'd be very chic since you have so much charisma while dancing, but you're actually very cute."

Jimin laughs, "Yes, I'm a little different when I'm dancing," he admits.

"Yes, we've seen in the broadcasts that you are quite the expert in dancing sexily."

He laughs again, covering his mouth with his hand, he looks into the crowd, his friends are just as surprised as he is. Yet Hoseok gives him a big thumbs up. Jimin couldn't really take it seriously. "Um," he could feel his ears burn, "I don't know about sexy, but I can dance contemporary."

"Oh? Are you able to do it spontaneously?"

He nods shyly.

"Shall we bring in a piano then? And as our accompanist, we'll have General Min play for us! How about that folks!"

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