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Growing up without parents and a strict grandmother on the throne, followed by the constant bickering of Court Officials wanting him to take the throne instead of Namjoon, Jungkook's childhood wasn't really the most pleasant one.

Due to his birthright as the most recent king's son, Jungkook was originally expected to take over the throne, but he was much too young. Also, he wasn't the best off academically. His tutors would basically rip their own hair out when giving him lessons. The only thing he actually succeeded in was anything non-academic but "art and physical strength never helped run a country," his tutors would say.

Worst part of it all was that he wasn't allowed anywhere near 'the enemy', his own siblings from another father.

Jungkook had heard that his older brother was basically a prodigy, Jungkook was a bit too young to understand what that meant at the time, but apparently, most of the court officials wanted him next in line for the throne instead of Jungkook.

That didn't bother Jungkook one bit. He never wanted to be king. He just wanted to play games all day, specifically, computer games and video games, his tutors of course kept nagging him for it.

It was on a day that he was skipping his math lessons, a young kid of only eight years, that Jungkook met Geongmin by accident. Despite never meeting her before, Jungkook had recognized her immediately, Geongmin looked just like the pictures he had of their mother.

She seemed to recognize him too, stared at him quite a bit. The girl who was with her, a pretty one with short black hair and wearing a female school uniform, kept staring between them.

"You're Jungkook, right?" Geongmin had finally spoken.

All Jungkook could do at the time was nod, a sense of fear hitting him. Would his sister be nice? Would she hate him because their mother died while giving birth to him? Would she be angry because his dad was now in the role of her deceased father?

No. Geongmin had stepped forward and hugged him, basically squeezing his lungs out. It left Jungkook completely stunned. His tutors had always said his siblings hated him and that he should always be careful not to run into them.

But there was no malice in the way Geongmin had smiled at him, eyes shining and cheeks lifting as she says, "Hi, I'm your older sister."

Jungkook is dumbfounded. Certainly not the reaction he was expecting.

The girl next to Geongmin glanced at her, said with a dead, straight face, "He doesn't want an ugly Noona."

Geongmin smacked her on the back. "Shut up you." Jungkook winced from her tone. Geongmin turns to look at him, huffing a breath and pointing to the girl.

"Ignore him. He hasn't been properly trained yet." The girl rolls her eyes.

Jungkook blinked. "He?" he repeated, eyes wide and mouth dropping open, gaze flickering back to the female school uniform.

The boy caught his look and grunted. "Don't ask."

"This is Min Yoongi," Geongmin explained. "Friend. Cranky ass. Trustworthy. Namjoon and I are his only friends."

"Are not," Yoongi retorts. Geongmin says something back to him but Jungkook doesn't quite catch it, Yoongi was the prettiest he that Jungkook had ever seen and couldn't help to stare.

It goes without saying, that Jungkook started skipping all of his lessons to go see his Noona, usually Yoongi would be with her, always in a school uniform with a skirt on and sometimes with the wig on as well. Geongmin had explained to him that she had once asked for a school uniform for her birthday since she couldn't go to school. Yoongi had bought her one, but once she had it she saw no point in it because the reason she wanted to go to school was to make female friends. So she made Yoongi wear it instead.

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