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Seokjin wasn't very pleased at the moment with the situation at hand. Especially since he realized that whole reason that Yoongi found them was because Namjoon had left his phone on, thus the general tracked him down easily.

This idiot was the King of Korea.

Said idiot scooted closer to him, a peck on the cheek brought Seokjin out of his daze. Namjoon was looking at him with such fondness that Seokjin really couldn't remain mad at him for so long. Damn dimples.

"Penny for your thoughts?" the King asked.

Seokjin just crossed his arm and huffed, "You're an idiot."

Any other king might've been insulted, Namjoon however was always genuinely amused by how carefree Seokjin was with him. He was probably one of the few people that treated him like a normal person. Personally, Namjoon loved the scolding. "Baby, I said I was sorry."

The crossed arms tightened, "Yah, don't 'baby' me," he said, smacking Namjoon on the shoulder, "I'm older than you!"

Namjoon just laughs and places a hand on his shoulder, squeezing gently, "Sorry, sorry," he chuckles. Seokjin just continues pouting. Namjoon rested his head on the elder's shoulder and locked their fingers together. Honestly, under that circumstance what was Jin going to do, say no?

In front of them, Yoongi stared at them with a scrunched up nose. "Can you two not do that in front of me?" he asked, the look of disgust evident on his face.

"Jealous?" Namjoon teases, Yoongi just scoffs and remains quiet the rest of the ride.

Seokjin had never ridden in a helicopter before. It was noisy, yes, but the view was a great thing to behold. 

Their date might have been interrupted, yes, but Yoongi informed them that they had prepared a last minute place for the two of them. The whole thing, of course, would be much more simple compared to the dates with the other candidates since it was so last minute.

Seokjin didn't mind simple.

"We need to get some part of the date filmed," the general clarifies, "The staff has been ordered to keep their mouth shut regarding your escape, so no one is going to ask questions. We're going to pretend that you two drove here and that your date was here the whole time. The editing department has already received those orders."

Namjoon, however, was pouting. "What kind of last minute date was planned? I hope its at least something decent. I don't want it to seem like I didn't prepare anything special for Jin-hyung."

"Jungkook planned it, so I have no clue."

Great. That was...helpful.

The helicopter started going down. Seokjin took a peek outside the window. He could only see a small house, it took him a while to realize that it was his own. He glanced back at Namjoon who looked equally confused.

Once they landed they were flooded by staff members. Seokjin was pulled away, getting his hair and makeup adjusted. From the other side he could hear shrieks coming from Namjoon's personal stylist, "WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?!"

The stylist team managed to doll them up. Namjoon had somehow convinced his to let him wear the clothes he had on earlier this morning. Either way he looked good.

"Seems like Jungkook wants us to have a cooking date," Namjoon whispers in Seokjin's ear while his stylist left to find a foundation in Seokjin's color.

"So he suggested my house?" Seokjin asks. The whole thing was really strange to him.

"There's footage of us driving here this morning, so the easiest thing to do was to make this the location. Makes it easier on the editing team."

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