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"This is such a bad idea."

Yet he's still going along with it.

"We're going to get caught."

Yet here he was.

"I don't even have my driver's license with me!"

Technically he didn't have it with him either when he took Namjoon on that date but, like, he was with the king so it shouldn't have mattered right?


"Jin-hyung, please shut up and drive," Soobin says from the passenger seat, eyes on his phone. "I'm an expert at this, no one is going to catch us."

"Brat," Seokjin whispers under his breath as he stops at a traffic light. "Also, why am I driving? I should, like, be in the back, hidden under some blankets or somethi—Yah! Don't you roll your eyes at me!"

Going to Gyeongbokgung Palace was definitely a bad idea, no matter how much Soobin needed his help. Why did Seokjin give in to the needs of someone younger than him? Because the infant brought up the name of his brother and of course Seokjin is going to run like hell to help with anything that involved Taehyung.

Still. "Jaehwan is going to kill me if I'm caught."

Soobin lets out a snort. "What happened to not overthinking about everything or stressing over things you can't control?"

"Shut up. I already feel the wrinkles coming."

The palaces are almost twenty minutes away by car. Especially with the streets being so empty this late at night. Seokjin almost expects a cop to pull them over just out of the heck of it. Knowing his luck...

Luck, however, seems to be on his side tonight —or morning. It's like 2am. Damn. All the more reason this was too risky. The sun would go up in just a few hours. People will start waking up soon and they—

"We're here."

—And they have unfortunately arrived. Too late to go back now.

The way it's so easy for this kid to sneak in and out of the palace is absolutely ridiculous to Seokjin. Like, really, how has no one noticed that hole in the wall? Can he even fit through there? He's pretty sure his shoulders are going to get stuck.

They don't. Miraculously. That was like 60 centimeters of shoulder width. 

"I should've given you extra clothes or something," Soobin notes once they're walking. "You stand out too much."

Seokjin is about to protest, but then looks down at his clothes. So okay, maybe his Mario pajamas were a little too out there, but what could he do about it?

"I have an idea," Soobin says when they're like halfway towards the kitchen. He makes Seokjin wait in a dark corner alone while he runs off. Seokjin just sort of glances around at nothing, then he hears voices.

"Fuck, you really don't weigh a thing," he hears. He glances in the direction of the voice, pushing himself back into the corner so that the shadows can hide him in his colorful pajamas.

He blinks hard when the figures come into view.

Is that Hoseok carrying General Min?

No. It was more like General Min was hanging off of Hoseok.

Oh man someone get him a camera or something. Where was Soobin when you needed him?

"Hey General," Hoseok speaks up, "You gotta put in your code." Seokjin curses mentally. Did Soobin really leave him near the General's room? This was suicide.

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