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Jungkook knows he told Geong-min that he would be in the bathroom. And well, he did go. He just got a little side tracked on the way back is all.

In the whole other direction.

It's okay, he says to himself. He'd just quickly check up on Taehyung and head back. 

He really wanted to know how it went with the dish. His stylist had kept him in his room all afternoon so that he wouldn't "disappear" like he's been doing the last few days, so he hasn't really had a chance to go to the kitchen and as the staff about the food.

There's a nice feeling in his chest as he walks, a simple sudden happiness as he approaches Taehyung's room.

Yoongi tends to call it a "puppy crush", but Jungkook was sure it was more than a crush by now. 

Being lock up in the palace, Jungkook never really had many people to hang out with. His hyung was always there, so was his Noona, and both always tried to indulge in playing with him as much as they could. 

Still, Jungkook was shy around other people, he really couldn't muster up a proper conversation with anyone new, which was why he always asked for the same servants to tend to him.

He got along with them, but they never got too close because of his title.

Which was why when Jungkook meet Kim Seokjin for the first time, he was surprised how easy it was to talk to him. Seokjin was very friendly, treated him like any other. It was something he never got to experience before. 

So he dropped the formalities with him, they addressed each other in friendly terms. 

Then he met his brother. 

Jungkook didn't do well with beautiful people. They sort of intimidated him, which was why he was so awkward with Seokjin at first as well. It also brought out an awkward start with Taehyung.

Call him an airhead for falling for Taehyung upon seeing him looking like an angel with that platinum, but Jungkook did believe in love at first sight. He was a hopeless romantic. Even dreamed of finding his soulmate through the ring of bells like that one movie he had seen.

Of course, he wasn't shallow. He obviously wanted to get to know Taehyung a bit before claiming to like him.

So he watched him. To the best of his abilities without the other finding out.

He liked the way he smiled. The way his lips would form a rectangular shape and his eyes turned into crescent moons.

He liked how his satoori sometimes came out when he spoke.

He also liked his voice, how deep it was even when he got all excited.

Taehyung doesn't really smile a lot unless he's with his friends. Lately, Taehyung hasn't been smiling at all and that honestly saddens him. So he'll try his best to bring that smile back, even if its by something as simple as cooking.

Well, it wasn't really that simple. The cuts and burns on his hands sort of reminded him of that.

Finally, he sees the building in sight. Geez, he should really get a golf cart or something to go around the palace with, walking when you're eager to see someone on the other side of palace just didn't cut it.

He stops in his tracks as he gets closer, noticing someone at the door already. Jungkook stops and takes a step back, hiding behind one of the red pillars near the cloister. He narrows his eyes, the darkness of the night not really letting him see.

The stranger types in the key code, the door clicks and steps inside. Jungkook half expected to shut the door behind him. The light emitting through the room proves otherwise. 

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