Chapter Four

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"So, you tellin' me that it was a dude staring at you ... then he just disappeared?", Ciara asked Diana for the fifth time. At this point Diana wasn't sure if she continued to ask for clarity or she was making fun of her. Neither option was she in the mood for. 

Diana felt the same presence she did earlier that day, but it was somehow different. It wasn't as cold and dark, but she still felt herself being drawn to whatever energy it was. She stopped chewing the cheesesticks she purchased for lunch and looked around the cafeteria. Her eyes locked onto a lone boy sitting in the furthest table away from everyone. His hair was just as she observed; dark as the midnight sky. He had a tray of food in front of him but it didn't seem like he had any intentions on eating it. He turned his attention to Diana and time once again stood still. She was close enough to see his eyes. They were a hypnotizing burgundy. Diana was mesmerized and she found that she had to will herself to look away.  

"CiCi, that's him", Diana said to Ciara discreetly pointing him out to her. 

Ciara looked in the direction Diana was looking and the color drained from her face. She tried to change her reaction before Diana could see it, but Diana already noticed and put it in her memory bank of things to talk about at a later time. 

"He's gorgeous girl! You should go talk to him", Ciara said with a fake smile. 

"Talk to him? Why would I do that?"

"Maybe because you are over here drooling at him".

"I am not drooling", Diana objected, while checking her chin to see if she really was drooling. 

The bell rang letting them know it was time for their last class of the day. Ciara and Diana grabbed their trash and disposed of it and dragged their feet to gym. Diana didn't need as much of a gym credit as Ciara, but she promised her she would stick out the class with her. They changed in the locker room and sat at the bottom bleachers, watching all the kids come in. The coach was always late and smelled of alcohol, so none of the children expected him to be in until the middle of the period. 

Diana once again felt the presence of the mystery boy. He walked out of the boy's locker room, hair pulled back once again and sporting his gym clothes. He wasn't built like a teenager at all, at least not the ones that go to this school. He walked as if he was sure of himself. Everyone around him were like flies that he could easily swat away. He once again turned his attention to Diana but this time he smiled. He straightened his shirt and began walking towards Diana and Ciara.

"Ci, Ci! He's in here".

"Who's in here?"

"The boy from earlier! And he's walking over here".

Diana never had a guy come talk to her before. At least nothing outside of school related things. She felt her hands begin to get clammy and her heart sped up. What if she said the wrong thing and ended up looking like a complete idiot? First impressions mean everything to Diana and she was halfway sure she was about to mess this up. 

The boy finally reached them and stood in front of Diana with that same smile. 

"Hi, I'm Bishop. I'm new here".

His voice. It was smooth and easy on the ear. It was like it was wooing her in a way. Making her feel relaxed in ways she never thought was possible. 

"I'm going to leave you two alone to talk", Ciara said, nudging Diana and giving her a "talk bitch" look. Bishop sat next to her, never taking his eyes off of her. He was just as mesmerized as she was. Diana never felt like she was attractive but Bishop saw something in her she clearly never saw in herself. Diana's brown eyes were filled with such innocence, anyone could fall in love with them. Hair hair would be luxurious if she actually did something with it. Bishop knew who Diana truly was, he just needed to convince her of what he saw when looking at her. 

"I'm Diana", she finally was able to say.

They sat there awkwardly, neither knowing what to say next. Chantel walked up with her Barbie doll crew and Diana knew at this point her day was beyond the point of reconcile. She rolled her eyes, knowing the only reason Chantel was over there was to broadcast how popular she was and how Bishop should hang up with her. All while thrusting her breasts in his face and poking out the ass she so bluntly lets hang out of her gym shorts. 

"Your name is Bishop, right?", Chantel asked.

Bishop continued to look at Diana as he answered. "Yes".

"Well, as student body president it's my job to make you feel welcome and comfortable with your new school. I'm having a party at my place tonight and I am inviting you".

Bishop finally made eye contact with Chantel. Diana watched as all the color drained from Chantel's face and then she started blushing. She was shocked by Bishop's looks just like everyone else has been. For some reason, Diana felt territorial. But for the sake of getting herself into something she can't get out of, she remained silent.  

"Are you invited, Diana?", he asked her. 

"Who? Me?", Diana responded shockingly. 

"There would never be a situation where I would invite Diana Garcia to my house ... like ever", Chantel said teasingly. 

"It is your job to make sure I'm comfortable correct?", Bishop asked Chantel.

"That's right".

"Well, I will only be comfortable at the party if Diana is there. If you want me, she has to be included".

Diana was bewailed. No one had ever included her in anything aside from Ciara. She was grateful for what Bishop was doing, however, he didn't have to waste his time. She isn't a party person, never has been. So, the invitation is nice but she knew either way she wasn't going. 

Chantel rolled her eyes. "Fine, she can come with you but only with you".

"I will be there then".

Chantel handed him a flyer and stalked off with her crew. Bishop took one look at the piece of paper then handed it to me.

"I guess we'll be partying tonight", he said replacing that smile back on his face. Bishop had a weird accent that Diana couldn't place. It was kind of sexy. As if he could read her mind, he smirked then got up from the bleachers. The coach finally decided to show up and told everyone they were about to run laps around the gym. Diana stood up so she could go over to where Ciara was standing so they could pull themselves through the exercise. Diana stood by Ciara and began stretching. 

"So, what happened?", Ciara asked. 

"What happened with what?"

"So, we playin' stupid now? What did the boy say?"

"He got me invited to Chantel's house party".

"Chantel invited you to a party?"

"Thanks for the faith Ci, I'm feeling all the love right now", Diana said sarcastically.

"Are you going?", Ciara asked.

"Hell no".

"Why not? It's our senior year, we need to get out and experience things for once".


"Oh, you thought I was going to let you go to a party at Chantel's house and not go to help you out?"

"Did you even get an invite?"

"I ... well, I been had an invite. I just wasn't going to go 'cause I knew you weren't going".

Diana's face fell and she turned to start doing the laps. Bishop caught her eye again. He moved around the gym effortlessly, like he was gliding across the air. He moved fast past everyone. A little too fast for any human.

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