Chapter Twenty

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"Here's your morning cup, love", Bishop said while handing Diana a coffee mug.

"Thank you", she said to him sweetly.

They exchanged innocent looks, Bishop slightly blushing. Diana took a sip of her coffee and blood mixture, reminiscing of her first night with him.

After her destruction of the castle, Diana fled. She was ashamed of what she had done and how even still she was unable to control her power. The blast from her aura did put Daniel out of what Diana assumed was his misery, however, the casualties were greater than what Diana could've known. All the innocent workers who had instilled their trust in her to protect them were now deceased. Diana didn't mean to kill them, but her emotions were out of control. She didn't want to face whatever disappointment she would from anyone who would visit, and her shame brought her to the only person she knew wouldn't judge her.

Tiko placed Bishop in a small hut on the outskirts of the kingdom, hidden behind trees. It was an area Tiko traveled to frequently and he felt he would be able to keep a better watch of Bishop there. Tiko informed Diana of it's location but Diana had never been until that night. She knocked lightly on the door, begging for Bishop to be awake. Bishop answered the door, fear in his eyes, but relaxed once he saw Diana's eyes.

"It is the middle of the night, Artemis. What are you doing here?", he had asked.

"Bishop, I ... I don't think I can do this", Diana had said before she began to sob.

Bishop immediately was concerned and pulled her into the safety of his home. Diana took in the surroundings, feeling the homey type of vibe. Sort of the way she remembered Geneva's house used to be. It was small, barely big enough for Bishop. The living room area was lit from a line of light bulbs. Where the kitchen could have been, there was a mini fridge and a small table for one. Diana could still feel the urge to drink Bishop, but it wasn't as bad as before.

"What happened?", Bishop asked her.

Diana just shook her head. She didn't want to relive her mistake.

"Whatever it is, I know you had no other choice. Everything will be okay", he said while rubbing her back. The feeling of him touching her shot through her entire body. She felt her fangs extending, not because of hunger but because of lust. Bishop noticed them, but he wasn't afraid. He could feel the atmosphere changing. He took a deep breath and asked Diana to do the one thing he remembered as a vampire would make a bond even deeper then a transformation bite.

"I ... Artemis, I want you to feed off me".

"What?", Diana whispered.

"Taking from the vein ... it makes you stronger. I want to be the one who nourishes you".

"I ... I don't think I can do that. I won't be able to control myself".

Bishop grabbed Diana by the hand and pulled her to sit down in the middle of his small floor. His slowly unbuttoned the shirt he was wearing and took it off, revealing his bare chest. Diana could hear his heartbeat loud in her ears.

"I trust you", Bishop whispered while handing her his arm, exposing his wrist.

Diana tried to tell herself not to indulge. She never drank straight from the vein before and she didn't know if she'd be able to pull away, especially with her deeper connection with Bishop. She looked into his eyes and saw he was almost pleading. Diana leaned in slowly and closed her mouth around Bishop's wrist. The moment she sunk her teeth into him, and his warm blood seeped into her mouth, she was in a frenzy. He tasted like sweet nectar, everything within her seemed to strengthen. Bishop groaned in both agony and pleasure. He moved Diana's hair out of her face to watch her feed. Even with him being human, her form was so sensual and attractive to him.

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