Chapter Six

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Diana walked the halls at school completely ignoring Bishop, but it seems that every corner she turned he was there. Lurking in the shadows, watching her intensively. He would never approach her unless she wanted him too. He realized he said too much last night and her reaction is normal for anyone who was told they're a creature that they thought only existed in books. Realizing that the things you see in movies and read in books are actually real is a frightening thing. And Diana was terrified. Just the thought of herself feeding on human flesh was making her sick to her stomach. 

Diana arrived at her locker with barely any energy to get through the day. She stayed up all night, her mind going in circles because of all that was revealed to her. She looked to the locker right next to her, wanting a laugh from Ciara, but surprisingly she wasn't there. She wasn't on the bus for school either and every text Diana sent to her was left unanswered. Diana made a mental note to drop by her place on her way home at the end of the day. It wasn't like Ciara to leave her out of the loop of what's going on with her. Then again, Ciara has been acting very weird lately. 

"What's up, sis?", Daniel said while leaning on the lockers next to Diana. One look at him and she already knew he was high. Her frustration with Daniel was beginning to reach an all time high. It was if he was purposely messing everything up for them. It was their last year and Diana just couldn't understand why he couldn't stay out of trouble. She sees the constant pain in Geneva's eyes when she looks at Daniel. One thing she wasn't going to do was continue to let Daniel stress her out and put her in an early grave. Everything Geneva did was for them, the least he can do is get good grades and not smoke weed like she's asked him a million times. 

"Is this going to be a constant thing for you?", Diana asked Daniel.

"What business is that of yours?"

"News flash twin, everything you do is my business. You've already proven that I have to be the one looking after you instead of us looking after each other. Please, make this easier on the both of us and just get your shit together". 

"Get my shit together? Weren't you the one you got pissy drunk at a party last night? Worry about your shit before you start worrying about mine".

Diana felt her temperature rising. She wanted to slam Daniel into the lockers repeatedly until he got it through his thick skull that what he was doing was wrong. As if the two of them arguing was a beacon for more drama, Chantel approached them with a crowd of people trailing behind her like they always are. She wrapped her arms around Daniel's neck and kissed him. Diana looked away, completely disgusted. 

"Hey baby, why didn't you call me this morning?", Chantel asked Daniel.

"What I told you about questioning me?"

Daniel whispered something in Chantel's ear, making her giggle. This entire display had Diana feeling betrayed. It was a known fact around the school that Chantel hated Diana. For Daniel to associate himself with the one girl that made his sister's life miserable was one of the first steps of many of Daniel's disloyalty. 

Diana slammed her locker closed in anger. She needed to get as far away from both Daniel and Chantel as quickly as possible. She couldn't quite figure out what it was, but she could feel things turning around for the worse if she stayed in longer. 

"Where you off to weirdo?", Chantel called out to Diana's retrieving back. Diana said nothing and began pushing through the tight crowd of kids who seemed to not want to move out of her way. 

"Going to go get plastered before class? That would be expected, since you're an alcoholic whore and all".

The kids surrounding Diana laughed, still not budging to make a path for her to get away. She felt her eyes welling up with tears. Not once did Daniel even attempt to defend the bullying that was taking place. For the first time, Diana actually felt completely alone. 

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