Chapter Eighteen

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Diana sipped on her morning cup of blood as she stood on the patio outside of her bedroom, looking up at the sky. The winds had been very still and no clouds in sight. Something was coming; Diana could feel it. She knew something was out there and it was coming towards her and the kingdom. The sooner she could find out what that was, the better. She was already dealing with knowing Bishop was alive, she didn't have the energy to focus on anything else. A part of her no longer felt broken. She had the one person she knew she was meant to be around back into her life which ended up pulling her out of the dark hole she knew she was slipping into. But what is the point of having him back if she can't be near him without trying to kill him?

Tiko noticed Diana standing outside in her night robe and flew down to her. He transformed into his human form and stood next to her. He knew she was still worried about the Bishop situation. Tiko had to find a place to keep him without someone finding him and it was extremely difficult. All Bishop continued to ask was how he could get close to Diana. Tiko had knowledge, but sometimes he just doesn't know.

"You seem gloomy", Tiko said to Diana.

She shrugged and took another sip of the blood. "Something feels off".

"Is it about Bishop?", he asked.

"It's more than that. I can't figure out what it is ... but something isn't right".

"Something like what?", a voice suddenly said from beside them. Diana turned and noticed it was Maat.

Diana hadn't seen Maat since the ceremony. She never had the opportunity to ask her how she was feeling about everything that happened. Finding out her entire life was a lie was reason enough for her to stay away. She had a new scar on her face Diana assumed from when Valder threw her across the room. Diana felt she had a positivity about her when she first met her, even with her aggressive tendencies. The Maat standing in front of her now was not the same.

"Something bad", Diana finally responded.

"Aren't we all bad?", Maat asked, some hurt hinting in her tone.

"Maat, I —"

"Don't give me that pity shit, Artemis. It does nothing for me".

"Where have you been?"

"Around. Why does that concern you?"

"You're my family".

Maat grunted, pulling out her hunter's knife and started picking at her nails. "So, where's the king? Do we call him king since you two are married?".

Diana paused. "I have no idea where he is. For his sake he should stay away".

"Aw, trouble in paradise?", Maat teased. She saw Diana nor Tiko was smiling, so she became serious again. "What is it?".

"The idiot made a deal with the reaper", Tiko said rolling his eyes.

"Well that doesn't surprise me", Maat said.

"Why not?"

"Like you said, he's an idiot. What does that have to do with you?", Maat asked looking at Diana.

"The deal was for him to come back here in exchange for his soul", Diana said then took another sip of her drink.

"We don't have souls", Maat said confused.


Maat looked between Tiko and Diana confused. Then it hit her.

"He's human?", Maat asked in disbelief.

"With warm blood and a beating heart", Tiko said.

"And I take it you're sitting here pouting because you can't be with him, correct?".

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