Chapter Eleven

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Diana hadn't said much since they landed in Rome, where she later found out was where Larfire was located. She wanted to say her good-bye's to everyone but Maat insisted they leave as soon as possible. Diana at least wanted to see Ciara, if no one else. She hadn't heard from or spoke to her since the party and Diana can admit she's missing her friend. There hasn't been anyone else she'd rather tell all the crazy things that's been happening to her to. Ciara wouldn't have believed her anyway. And now that she's finally turned, it was probably best she didn't go near Ciara anyway.

Diana was happy once she finally started getting used to her new abilities. It was overwhelming for her at first. Everything seemed to intensify, it was like her senses were in HD. She was able to literally see the sweat forming on the pilot's forehead when they all boarded Maat's private jet. Diana questioned why he looked so nervous and Bishop explained to her it was because he knew what they were. Diana didn't understand why they hired a human pilot but that was something that wasn't high on the list of things she needed to figure out.

There were a couple of times Diana attempted to grab something and it shattered between her fingers like she was pinching salt. Tiko had to remind her of her strength and that she had to handle most things as if it were fragile. Eventually she got the hang of it. One thing that was going to take some getting used to for sure was her eyes. She caught her reflection a couple times and ended up scaring herself. They were so vibrant and bright. She knew people would spot her eyes before they spotted her.

Bishop sat next to Diana in the limo they were in, looking on the window mostly. Diana never rode in a limo before and Tiko told her this was treatment she should start getting used to since she's royalty. Diana knew it wasn't possible for her to get used to a life she has never imagined living. Bishop hadn't said much since they left America. He had regret in his eyes and Diana knew it was from the transformation. She honestly wish there would have been another way, just so he wouldn't be beating himself up about it like he is now. Maybe it was the life bonding thing, but Diana felt oddly drawn to him. Like she could feel everything he felt. She moved every time he moved. She felt an animal like attraction for him. This couldn't be what he was afraid of. Diana felt it was to right to be wrong.

"We're pulling up now", Maat said from the driver's seat.

"To my ... kingdom?"

"Uh, no, your majesty. There are still insane witches at your place who want to kill you. We're going to my dad's".

"You don't have to call me your majesty. Just ... just call me Artemis".

Maat smiled in the rear view mirror. "No problem ... Artemis. Good luck trying to get everyone else to conform to that though".

"What do you mean?"

"Everyone around here is traditional. Amethyst dedicated her time to changing a lot of the things about the kingdom, and it still managed to be like a old Disney movie. I guess that says a lot for her parents, right?"

"You know about my grandparents?"

"I know all the history of Larfire".


Maat smile faded. "Because I was trained to".

Diana wanted to ask more, but Maat pulled over and turned the car off. Diana tried to get out the car but was stopped by a man dressed in a tux, opening the door for her. Diana guessed this was more of the royal treatment Tiko was talking about. The man held out his hand and assisted Diana out of the backseat. He bowed, making Diana feel more uncomfortable than she already was.

"Welcome home, Princess Artemis", he said. All Diana did was nod.

"Shall we?", Maat said while leading them into her father's home. It reminded Diana of the Miami houses in America that she used to see on tv. It made her wonder what her new home was going to look like.

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