Chapter Ten

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Diana walked down the cold hallway, terrified at the different mystical beings that were in the cells on either side of it. They called out to her, trying to pull her closer to them. They knew that they were in there for committing a crime and their life was over. And seeing Diana with her freedom made them envious. They looked at Diana as if they wanted to suck the life out of her. Diana sped up and passed everyone grabbing at her. She turned the corner then suddenly she was standing in a grand room, much like the one Geneva showed her in the flashback she showed her.  She saw people begin to crowed into the room so sh ducked behind the closest pillar. A group of people dressed in hooded cloaks that covered their faces dragged someone in with a bag over their head. They pulled the person in front of a woman sitting in a throne like chair holding a machete in her hand. They took the bag off the prisoner's head, revealing to Diana who it was.

"Mom", Diana whispered.

The cloaked guards gripped Amethyst's arms and yanked her by her hair so that she was looking at the woman holding the weapon.

"We're going to give you one last chance. Tell us where Apollo and Artemis are".

Diana knew her mother was powerful and could easily break free of the guards grasps. What she didn't understand was why she was letting them do this to her. One of the guards yanked Amethyst's hair tighter.

"Tell. Us. Now!"

"I will die before I let you witches take what will never belong to you".

"Then you will die!"

The woman stood up from the chair and stood in front of Amethyst. Amethyst turned her head up, accepting her fate. If she must die to make everything right then she would. The woman hauled her hand back and Diana watched as the machete came abruptly down and beheaded Amethyst.

"Mom, no!", Diana screamed. But no one in the room heard her. Diana dropped to her knees, tears rolling down her face. One of the guards playfully kicked Amethyst's head and it rolled and stopped in front of Diana. Amethyst's dead eyes connected with Diana's, making her scream until she was jolted awake. Diana was drenched in sweat and tried calming her racing heart. She finally took in her surroundings and saw she was still in the safety of her bedroom at Bishop's place. He sat in a chair next to her bed, concern laced his face. She saw movement in the corner of her eye and noticed someone else was standing at the foot of her bed. For some reason, they felt familiar. But she knew for a fact she had never seen them before.

"Bishop, who is that?", Diana asked.

"I believe you named him Tiko".

Diana looked at the man now standing closer than he was before. Last time she saw Tiko, he had feathers and a beak. But looking into his eyes, it had to be him. She saw the same violet glow in his eyes. He had light brown, almost blonde hair that hung long down his back. He wore a tunic and moccasins that were lined with gold and red ruby stones. His high cheekbones as well as his attire let Diana know he came from Native American decent.

"I believe I owe you and explanation", Tiko stated.

"That would be great".

"I was appointed by your mother to protect you when you were born. I've always been with you, even before your first discovery of me. Always lurking in the shadows, making sure you were okay".

"I thought that was what Geneva was doing. Protecting me".

"She was and did a fantastic job. But like I'm sure the queen has told you, her and I are connected. Not that she didn't trust Glinda, but it's nothing like seeing it for yourself".

"So ... how were you an owl?"

"It is the form that is linked to me".

"So, out of all the animals that can protect Artemis, you're a bird?", Bishop said.

The Dark Passage: Queen of the Damned (Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora