Chapter Twelve

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Diana opened her eyes but was unable to see. Everything was so bright she could barely make anything out. She walked forward and felt familiar grass between her toes. She knew she was in a dream and that meant she might see Amethyst once again.

"Hello, my child".

"Mother, I can't see you. It's so bright out here".

"It is you making it that way", Amethyst responded teasingly.

"My aura?", Diana questioned.

"Exactly, my child".

"Well, how do I make it not be so bright?"

"Just like any other gift, child. It listens to YOU. It can only do what you will it to".

Diana took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She could feel the power within her and the energy it held. She felt like it was a part of her but at the same time it had a mind of it's own. She could feel it waiting for a command from her. She put the thought in her mind to pull the aura in, and to her surprise, it did just that. She felt her aura become one with her, hiding behind her only to come out when she wanted it to. Diana opened her eyes, feeling more powerful than she ever has. She looked at her mother, who was smiling from ear to ear. She was standing in the middle of the field, the moon shining bright down on her. Diana ran to her and hugged her tight. She couldn't help the tears that began to fall.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't changed in time, mother. I should've came and saved you".

Amethyst placed he fingers under Diana's chin and made her look up at her.

"There is no need for apologies, my child. The situation was bigger than you and I. I'm just happy you are safe".

Diana smiled and locked hands with her mother like she did before as they began strolling in the field.

"How are you here in my dream if you're dead?", Diana asked.

"When Glinda first came to reside in the kingdom, I asked her to use a spell to make me one with the storm. Killing me only stopped me from being in a physical form. My spirit became one with my gift and to the sky I went", Amethyst said with a grin. "I guess you can say this is my own form of heaven".

"I thought we were damned. Shouldn't you be in hell?"

"I guess one would think I should be".

"So ... a spell Glinda cast gave you a loophole out of hell?"


"That seems so ... wrong".

"We have more things to worry about than right or wrong spells".

"What is it this time?"

"You have become one with Bishop. His fear of harming you is bigger than I've ever seen. You are in danger with Valder still inside of him. You have to exercise him".

"Bishop said that the only way Valder will no longer reside within him is if Bishop dies, but that will only give Valder an opportunity to possess someone else".

"There is a cure to his curse".

"What is it?", Diana stated now more anxious.



"Artemis, you are a physical representation of a contradiction. Everything about your nature is dark yet, you hold the power of light itself. The only way to remove the darkness from Bishop is for you to let you light be within him. And that light will also eliminate the massacre,".

The Dark Passage: Queen of the Damned (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now