Chapter Seven

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Diana awoke to loud arguing from downstairs. It is typically quiet during the weekends due to everyone trying to sleep in. Diana guessed because of the latest events, that was no longer a thing. She kicked her feet from under the cover and slid them into the slippers she keeps by the end of the bed. Still not fully awake, she dragged her feet down the steps. To her surprise, it was Bishop and Daniel that were the ones making all the racket. She was confused as to why Bishop would have any reason to go back and forth with Daniel. And Diana hopped Daniel wasn't still upset with something that was completely out of her control. Geneva sat on the couch, still looking as stressed as she did last night. She almost looked gray in the face; like her life was being drained from her. The two stopped arguing and everyone looked at Diana as if they could feel her presence. 

"What's going on in here?", Diana asked. 

Daniel looked at Diana in hatred. Everything that had been transpiring was unfair to him. Diana doesn't even want the life they were born into, yet she's the one who gets the longer end of the stick. As far as he was concerned, it was meant to be like this all along. He was never meant to have to have the throne. That witch knew what she was doing putting them under a curse. And Daniel knew what he had to do to claim what is rightfully his. He deserves that crown just as much as Diana did. 

"I'm going out", he stated rather than asked. He grabbed his jacket that was draped over the couch and left out the house without another word. Diana rolled her eyes the turned her attention to Geneva, whom was still looking grey in the face. Diana sat next to her and rubbed her back, consoling her.

"Are you okay?", Diana asked. "You've been looking different lately".

Geneva was hesitant. She didn't want Diana to be more concerned about her than herself and forget what was most important. However, she knew she couldn't keep things from her anymore, there was no point. 

"I am becoming weak", Geneva said, feeling her hands begin to clam up.

"What do you mean?"

Geneva grabbed Diana's hand and squeezed it. Diana knew she wasn't going to like whatever it is Geneva was about to say. She prepped herself for the worst.

"Remember how I was telling you about that aura you have?"

Diana nodded, swallowing the lump that was forming in her throat.

"You have to realize Artemis, no one knew how powerful you would be. Some vampires are lucky enough to be gifted, but your gift is one that we've never come across".

"You ... you called me Artemis", Diana squeaked out.

"That is your name, princess", Bishop said, finally speaking. Diana turned her attention away from his stern face and looked back at Geneva, urging her to continue. 

"When you have the opportunity to train and study your abilities, you will be able to control it. And from what I know of you, I know you'll be able to do great things with it"

"Just spit it out, mom!" Diana yelled frustratingly.

"I have ... I have cancer".

Diana felt her heart stop. Time stood still and she no longer felt like the gravity was keeping her grounded. She felt herself trying to gasp for air as the tears began to fill her eyes, blurring her vision. All she was able to see was a golden glow that was starting to engulf her. 

"Artemis, you must calm down or you will kill us all!", Bishop yelled. He rushed to Diana's side and gently ran his nail down her back. The feeling was different and seemed to temporarily distract Diana from her internal thoughts. A chill was sent down her spine, making her blush. Bishop breathed a sigh of relief knowing, even though he only does that when being sexual, that it was effective. 

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