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"You think mum will like it?" I asked Scott, staring down at the bag of food that we had just brought for her in for work. We walk the Beacon Hills hospital emergency hall.

I spot mum at the receptionist. This place was for sure busy, bombarded with injured people. Mum looks really tired and stressed, trying to keep this place under control.

Mum turns around and spots me and Scott walking towards her with Scott holding a bag of food. She walked over to us.

"I'm starving." Mum said, taking the food off of us. I purse my lips together, watching her place down the food on the counter. "Oh." Mum turns to us, and I smiled. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Thank you for bringing me dinner."

Mum hugs Scott, then she hugs me. "Is everything okay?" Scott asked as soon as mum lets go of my hug.

Mum looks down the hallway. "Expect for half the accident victims in a 10-car pile-up being rerouted here from downtown, and the ER attending not answering any of his pages? Yeah, I'm okay,"

"What does not answering pages mean?" I asked. 

"It means that nobody can find him." Mum explains, Scott and I gave each other a look. "So now we have to wait for the on-call to get here."

A patient then walked over to mum, her arm holding her stomach. She looked like she was in pain, poor women. "Miss?"

"Yes?" Mum turns to the patient.

"Excuse me. Can I kind of please have something for the pain?" The women whimpers.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I know." Mum nods her head at the girl. "But actually giving you something could complicate things, so..." Mum backs away the patient from us, talking to her in private.

I looked over at Scott who had his... thinking face on. "What are you thinking, Scotty boy?"

"You wanna know? Follow me." I frown at his words and watched as he walked over to the patient.  I sit down beside Scott, who sat next to the lady. "Ah... you know, I read online that sometimes human contact can help with the pain." The girl whimpers, but nods her head at the same time. Scott's eyes scanned the room, looking for anyone's watching.

Scott slowly puts his hand on the girl's, she may not notice it, but I can. I can see black lines going all the way up his arms, I know what he's doing. He's taking her pain. I smiled. I watch as the girl gasps, and the whimpering stops. Scott took her pain away, the girl looks over at him.

"Someone... someone help me!" Someone cried through the hospital, and my head turns sharply as I recognized the voice, Ethan.  My eyes widen when I see Danny leaning on Ethan, one arm around Ethan. "I need help!"

"Okay, gentle, gentle!" Mum eased Danny onto the chair, Danny screams in pain and Ethan stands over and watches.

I pull back Ethan. "What did you do to him!?" I hiss, everyone likes Danny.

"Nothing." Ethan bites back. "He said he was having chest pains and trouble to breathe, but it kept getting worse."

"This is not good." Mum told us, Danny's breathing was heavy, up and down went his chest. He looked like he was struggling. "How much longer on Dr. Hilyard?" Mum called. "His larynx has shifted to the side. I think it's a tension pneumothorax." 

Danny then gets up and leans over, throwing up some white substance. My eyes widen and I felt myself jerk back, I look to my right and saw Scott there with an arm out... being the overprotective brother he is.

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