[book three coming soon]

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HEY GUYS! It's me! I hope you're just as excited to read book three as I am to write it! I've already got seven chapters published, but, I'm gonna finish writing the whole book, and then publish once I've done editing. That's how I did it with the last two books, don't worry I should be finished in a months times and I've already started to write season six. I'm not skipping season five don't worry I just had to start season six.

Anyways, here's the plot for the third book!


❝She's more than just 15 million dollars.❞

In which the pack deals with a new situation; The Deadpool.

Stacey McCall has been through a hell of a lot for the past two years. But she wasn't alone, she had her brother, Scott, and her boyfriend, Stiles. There have been new people added to the pack and people who had left or haven't made it. They have a new thing they need to face. Let's just hope everyone survives through the assassins.

Bye everyone! See you then!

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