✨The First One✨

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This is my first Fanfiction I wrote, it was originally this book and I decided to keep it just so people could read it and enjoy. I wrote this a while after season 7 happened and this was my prediction for season 8. Which I totally got the Allurance date right! Like they go to his family and eat dinner! Boom! I'm a genius! But I ended this one early, so sorry it ends on a cliffhanger, but if you want to read it, please do!! This was my first Fanfiction so treat with care.

"Hey Princess." Lance walked over to Allura, he rubbed the back of his head. "So, umm since we are on Earth and the Galra are gone, I was wonder—that is if you aren't busy or anything—"

"Lance." Allura laughed as she took a step closer to him. "I already know what your going to say."

"You do?" Lance raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah the mice told me."

"I should really stop talking to them. Those guys can't keep a secret!" Lance chuckled and rolls his eyes playfully. "So you already know about the—"

"Dinner plan with you family." Allura smiled and blush. "Yes I do. It's an earth custom right?"

"Dinner? Do you guys not have dinner on Altea?" Lance tilted his head in confusion.

"No, when you like someone you bring them to dinner with your family." Allura said with a blush. "At least that's what Pidge tells me when I talked to her about this."

"What! You talked to Pidge too?" Lance says in a small panic. "I'm never going to hear the end of it from her, who else are you telling about our secret plans? Hunk? Shiro? Keith? You better not tell Keith—"

Allura just laughed. "If your worried they will find out we are dating, and that you like me, don't worry. I believe they already know."

"What makes you think they know I like you?"

Allura just laughed.

"What?" Lance held onto her shoulders. "Allura! Why would they think—"

Allura stopped his talking with a quick kiss. "If you sister can tell, I believe the other Paladins and Shiro can tell." She smiled. "Besides they are the least of your worries now right?"

"Yeah... I guess I should start helping with dinner... we got a big family, it's going to take all evening just for me to introduce them to you." He laughed, moving his hands down to be in her hand. "Well malady, you got business to attend to?"

"Yes I am working with the Holts to try and see how our mystery enemy is using Alteans to power their weapons." Allura said. "So far we don't have any breakthrough as to how or who is doing this, and why they would send it now."

"Well I hope your research turns out as well as our dinner is going to go." Lance said and kissed her hand. "I'll pick you up around 5?"

"Sounds good." Allura smiled.

Lance blushed before saying his goodbyes for the next few hours before walking off to go home and help his mother prepare dinner for the evening.


"Shiro I have a problem." Keith said as he walked into Shiro's room. Shiro was sitting at the counter, old memories faded trough his mind of the last time he was in this room.

'Don't expect me to be here when you get back....' that line played through over and over in Shiro's mind. Sadly, Adam was right... as always. Why did he have to always be right about everything?

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