The Survivor

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5 more chapters left after this one


He breathed heavily as he clung onto the rim of his plane. He coughed, smoke was everywhere, he didn't know how he survived all this.

He blinked, his vision faded in and out. Using his arms he forced himself out of his seat. He screamed in pain, as a piece of metal was lodged into his shoulder, he fell out the side and onto the snow below. The snow stained red where he fell. He forced himself to his knees, where he removed the metal in a painful scream. He grabbed his shirt off and tied it around the injury then put his jacket back on.

He looked around at the damaged sight as best as he could with his blurry vision. He walked around the plane and the wreck to see if there was anything he could scavenge for supplies. He ripped off a piece of metal off the ship and put everything that was of use, from the padding from the seat, to some first aid Kit he found. He grabbed more pieces of the broken plane and piled everything up until he had a nice sled of stuff. He tied a rope through two screw holes and pulled it through the snow away from the wreckage site.

If there was one thing he knew, it was how to survive.

He had been through worst. When his family didn't accept him, he survived.

When he was working night and day to put himself through the garrison academy, he survived.

When his heart broke the morning he watched the shuttle take off for the great unknown.... he survived.

When he took off his ring for the final time, he survived.

Throughout every class of tweens he had, he survived

When everyone he loved dear abandoned him, he survived.

Now, when the Galra have attacked earth... he will survive.

When his tears fell, his heart broke, when he was alone, lost, and wanting to forgetting about it all... he survived.

Now. He was going to do it again.


He had found a cave where he set up camp. He stayed there for seven months as his shoulder healed, eating only the squirrels that poked their way out of the snow to the warmth of the fire in the cave.

He had survived.

He was currently working on something in his hands, a small pair of glasses that had been damaged in the crash. He was fixing them up.

Around him was the safe haven he had created, it was warm and safe. It was home.

But at last it was no longer the winter months, and it was time to begin the long journey back.

He placed the glasses on his nose and looked at the fireplace, then around at the place He he called home the past few months.

He smiled softly. "I'm going to miss this place..." he whispered to himself as he stood up to put the last bit of the cooked meat into a container. "That should do it."

He had mostly everything loaded up on a sleigh he had created, one that he could ride down the mountain side. He had the beginnings of a small beard, his hair had grown longer too, covering just his ears. He grabbed a stick to light on fire and put it in a lantern he had made to light his way.

He stamped out the fireplace and had one more last look at the place before heading out. The breeze was cold, but the sun was out. It was the perfect day to come back home.

"Hopefully you all defeated the Galra." He whispered. "And I hope you made it back Takashi."

With that he kicked off and headed down the mountain.


It took another three months for him to safely make his way back to the valley. It was hard, there were so many cliffs throughout the mountain range and so many wild animals to avoid.

But at last he made it to the valley, which after another four weeks of wandering around the dessert plains, he finally found civilization. A town... a town that hadn't been destroyed.

He had never run faster. He bursted into the bar and smiled at the sight of people he hadn't seen in so long. It was actual people too! Not Galra.

He cried a bit at the sight of finally being here, being able to go home.

"Are you Alright buddy? Where did you come from?" A guy asked him.

He was about to respond when a voice from the TV cause his ear, and his full attention.

"Commander Takashi Shirogane, leader of the Atlas crew, and hero to the world—" the lady began. "—just announced that he would be getting married this weekend to the love of his life: Curtis. All who wish to come are invited to the reception, which is being held in the capital building."

"The love of your life?" He whispered to himself as he approached the TV. "I... I thought that was me." He whispered as he put his hand on the TV where Shiro's cheek was.

He had taken off he ring ages ago. He had been on dates with other. He didn't feel sad or upset about this wedding. It was just a surprise to him, to see that Shiro had found another love.

In all reality, they had both moved on by now. All boyfriends end... all relationships fail, and it's normal. It's normal not the end up with your first choice.

Shiro has changed so much since he had last seen him. He lost an arm for one, he had a scar across his face, and his hair was white. He stared at this Shiro on the screen in the black commander uniform.

This was not the Shiro he had known. And that's okay because he wasn't the Adam that Shiro would remember anyways.

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