They were Roomates

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Keith watched as Lance pulled out a strip of duct tape and began to tape off the room, starting with up the side of the wall, down the floor and ending in the separation of the closets.

"Okay. So you keep your mullet and all your stuff on your side of the room." Lance said as he stood at the line.

"So I can't do this?" Keith asked as he slide his foot across the line.

"No!" Lance said and pushed it back.

"Or this?" Keith teased and took off his glove and threw it on Lance's bed.

"Absolutely not!" He said and grabbed it with two fingers like it was garbage and threw it back.

"What about this?" Keith took a strand of his long mullet hair and blew it across line like he was blowing a kiss.

"Disgusting!! No!" Lance shrieked like he saw a spider. "What part of your stuff on that side, my stuff on this side, do you not understand?"

Keith just chuckled before going over to his bed to lay down, putting on some headphones. "Oh the next two semesters are going to be a nightmare for you." Keith teased before turning on loud rock music. "Cause I am not a neat and tidy person."

Lance huffed and resisted the urge to chuck a shoe at his new roommate who was pretending to air play drums.

This mullet was going to be a disaster.

They were high school rivals.

And now, they were roommates.

Hey guys! Sorry for the short one shot. Just thought I would kinda get back into the groove. Any ideas for me? Let me know! I would love a scenario or an idea to work with. Thanks!! I am glad to be back and I am glad my original story: "all we could have been" had touched so many of your lives! Thanks for getting me to 30k on this book! It's been an honor flying with you all!

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